Altruism Information Window


This is an evolutionary biology model. It models population genetics with respect to the fitness of traits that are affected by social and environmental conditions. The model has two breeds of patch agents: altruistic agents and selfish agents.

The basic premise of the model is that the selfish agents and the altruistic agents are competing for each spot in the world by entering into a genetic lottery. You can imagine these agents as plants who "seed" for a spot, and the dominant seed generally wins. The details of the lottery are explained below in 'Understanding the Model'

Under normal (non-interfering) environmental conditions, the selfish agents win, and the altruistic population is driven to extinction. However, as outlined in 'HOW TO USE IT: Environmental Variables', when the environmental conditions are made more harsh, the altruistic population is able to survive, and even dominate the selfish population.

Understanding the Model

1.Each patch is a cell that has a fitness. Each patch is the locus of a lottery for its space. It and the four surrounding patches put in "seeds" to try to get the patch turned to their type of patch, altruist or selfish. Being successful in the lottery is getting patches to turn to your type of breed. We're assuming here that the breed (altruistic or selfish) is the important genetic trait.

2.Patches live in five-cell, plus-shaped neighborhoods. Whenever a patch is calculating something about its fitness, it is the center of the neighborhood. For another patch, when that patch is calculating, it becomes merely one of the neighbors.

3.Each patch calculates its own fitness using equation: if it is an A: 1 - cost + (NumberAltruists in Neighborhood/5 * benefit from Altruists) if it is an S: 1 + (NumberAltruists in Neighborhood/5 * benefit from Altruists) Thus, the fitness of the S patch will be higher than the fitness of the A's. If the cost is .2 and benefit is .5, for an A surrounded by two S's and two A's, then the fitness of this spot is 1 - .2 + (3/5 * .5) = 1.1

4.Each patch has calculated its fitness this way. Now, A patch looks to its four neighbors. Each of the five patches, including itself, puts a weighted seed into a genetic lottery for this center spot. So, for example, if the neighborhood is ASASA, each of the three A's register their fitness value, and each of the two S's put in their fitness. The A's are added, and the S's are added. Let us assume that the A's add up to 3.2 (this includes the A in the center spot), and the S's add up to 2.6. These two numbers are the altruistweight and selfishweight respectively, in the lottery for the center spot. Now, the larger number, whichever it is, is called the Major seed; it is divided by the sum of all the fitnesses. Thus, 3.2/(3.2 + 2.6) = .552 This number is the Altruism seed in the lottery. The minor seed is 2.6/(3.2 + 2.6) = .448. (Notice that the Altruism seed of the parent is 3/5 = .600, while the child's is .552. Even though altruism is dominating, it is losing ground.)

5.There are a number of ways of doing the lottery itself. Currently, we choose a random number between 0 and the sum of fitness. In the above example, this is a number between 0 and .999. Now, if the Number is below the Minor seed, the minor weight gets the spot, and if it is above the major seed, the major seed gets the spot. So, in the example, if the random number is anywhere from .449 to .999, then the Major seed gets it. If it is between 0 and .448, the minor seed gets it.


Basic Controls

1.The SETUP button sets up the model by creating the agents.

2.The GO button runs the model.

3.The DEN%_ALT slider lets you determine the percentage of overall altruists in the model. This value is weighed against the DEN%_SELFISH value, which determines the percentage of overall selfish agents.

4.The ALTRUISM_COST slider determines the value of cost in the above fitness equations.

5.The BENEFIT_FROM_A slider determines the value of benefit in the above fitenss equations.

Environmental Variables

There are two environmental variables: Harshness and Disease. 1.The HARSHNESS slider sets the value for the resistance of empty patch spots to being populated by agents. The value for this slider determines a corresponding value in the lottery for each empty (black) spot on the grid; the higher this value, the more difficult it is to populate. 2.The DISEASE slider sets the value for the possibility that the agents in occupied spots will die. The value for this slider is factored into the genetic lottery, and determines the percentage chance that each agent will die out from their spot.


1.At first, run the model with Harshness and Disease both at 0. Notice that the selfish population quickly dominates the world, driving the alrtuistic population to extinction. How do respective population sizes affect the outcome?

2.Play with the values of cost and benefit. What are realistic values for actual genetic competition? How does initial population size effect the significance of these values?

3.Increase the Harshness and Disease values, independently, and with respect to one another. What are the effects of the Harshness Model? of Disease? How are the values dependent on one another? At what values does the altruistic population begin to have greater success?

4.Consider why the introduction of Harshness and Disease conditions affects the success of the altruistic population. How does each population, run alone, respond to the Harshness and Disease conditions? If you imagine the black spots as Voids (a third type of competing agent), what is the fitness relationship between Altruists and Voids? Selfish agents and Voids?


This model is based on a paper by Mittledorf and Wilson, in press, and has thus been developed under its auspices. However, the model can be extended in a number of interesting directions, including adding new environmental variables, adding different types of agents, and changing the altruistic and selfish weighting under different environmental conditions. This model does not address the behaviors of individuals, but only the relative weights of genetic traits. A next step in considering the evolution of altruism is to model altruistic behaviors. See the related model: Cooperation (Altruistic Behavior).


This model uses only patch agents. The fitness of the agents is determined by setting a 'fitness' variable. Each agent then compares its type of fitness (altruistic or selfish) to the total value of fitness in its neighborhood. Because each patch can talk to one another, they can find out the fitness of each member of their neighborhood, and use that value in calculating the total weights of altruism and selfishness in the neighborhood.

The use of commas in the code allows all of the agents to synchronize in their fitness-checking, and thus to keep the neighborhood values accurate.


Cooperation (Altruism Behavior) Model

Divide-the-Cake Model