This model is an extension of a previous StarLogo project
called "Kaleidoscope".  The current version has added six
new patterns.  The name of this model is called Geometron-Top-Down.

Set NTURTLES to a desired value between 0 and 360 (default value is 20).  
NTURTLES determines how many initial turtles you want to start out with. 
These initial turtles will spawn other shape-making turtles.  

Set COLOR-SEP to a desired value between 0 and 60 (default value is 12).  
COLOR-SEP determines the range of colors that the turtles (and hence the 
kaleidoscope) will take on. The higher the value, the smaller the range.  

When you have set COLOR-SEP and NTURTLES, press the
SETUP button to set-up the model.

Next, choose a pattern. In each pattern, the initial turtles hatch other 
turtles and those hatched turtles draw different geometric shapes.  Each 
pattern is represented by a forever button. The user cannot change 
however, allow for user control using the DIRECTION and EXPANDER sliders.  
For detailed descriptions of the instructions in each pattern, go to the 
end of the info-window.

The slider DIRECTION (default value is 2) is designed for PATTERN-1 and 
PATTERN-3.  At each cycle, DIRECTION determines the amount that the 
pattern-making turtles turn to the right.  In other words, if DIRECTION 
is set to 12, each turtle will turn 12 degrees to the right before moving 

The slider EXPANDER is designed specifically for pattern 5 (default value 
is 80).  At each cycle of PATTERN-5, EXPANDER determines how large each 
leg of the polygon will be.

The user also has control over the color distribution
exhibited by each pattern. The COLOR-SHIFT button will
continuously increase or decrease the value of 
'curr-color-sep' by a small random amount.
(Thus the slider value itself isn't changed, but the color value of the 
turtle is.)  The INC-DEC-COLOR switch determines if 'curr-color-sep' is 
increased or decreased.

Other added features of the model are the CLEAR-PATCHES-LIFT-PEN and 
RESTORE buttons.  CLEAR-PATCHES-LIFT-PEN does exactly what it says: it 
clears the screen of all patches, lifts the pen on all turtles and kills 
all turtles greater than NTURTLES.  RESTORE kills all turtles greater 
than NTURTLES and tells all turtles to put their pen down. Killing all 
turtles greater than NTURTLES restores the original number of turtles on 
the screen.

A useful tool that can be used in conjunction with the 
CLEAR-PATCHES-LIFT-PEN and RESTORE buttons is a switch called 
FOLLOW-TURTLE. When you CLEAR-PATCHES-LIFT-PEN, you see the skeleton of 
the pattern since the turtles are moving without their pen down. But when 
the switch is turned on, one hatched turtle will put its pen down.  
However, since turtles are constantly being born and dying it may take 
time for this particular turtle to appear.  It should also be understood 
that because some of the patterns divide the turtles into different 
groups and assign them different shapes to create, more than one turtle 
may be told to put its pen down in order to represent what all the 
turtles in the pattern are doing.

Two monitors are provided at the bottom of the Interface
Window. COUNT-TURTLES displays the current number
of turtles on the graphics window. Likewise, CURR-COLOR-SEP displays that 
variable's value, so that you know when it has been altered, and by how 

An important thing to notice here is the number given in
COUNT-TURTLES. Right away, it becomes much larger than
NTURTLES, but quickly settles on some nice big number. Take a look at the 
Procedures Window. Initially, upon setup, there are NTURTLES turtles. 
Once one of the
pattern buttons is pressed, each of these turtles repeatedly hatches a 
new turtle and turns by a specified degree. 

It is important to understand that this phenomenon, the fact that initial 
NTURTLES is exploding into a number much larger than NTURTLES is because 
other turtles are being hatched in between the time a single turtle is 
hatched and the time it finishes drawing its given shape.  Thus, if we 
were to add a wait statement into one of the patterns, not as many 
turtles could be hatched.  In other words, the number of turtles greater 
than NTURTLES would decrease. As turtles execute their commands much 
quicker than the hatched turtles, they produce many turtles during one 
loop of a pattern; eventually, though, turtles start to die off. At this 
point, the number of turtles who are born is roughly equal to the number 
who die at any given step.

You also should notice how COLOR-SEP (known in the code as 
'curr-color-sep') alters the appearance of the pattern.
Turn COLOR-SHIFT on, and let 'curr-color-sep' become very
large. Then watch what happens when it is small, maybe zero or some 
negative number.

Try playing around with the DIRECTION slider on PATTERN-1 AND PATTERN-3 
and the EXPANDER slider on PATTERN-5.  Observe what happens to the 
pattern as you change the values of each.
GEOMETRON-TOP-DOWN is meant to be a visually pleasing model just to 
watch. See what different values of
COLOR-SEP produce, and explore how COLOR-SHIFT changes the
appearance of the kaleidoscope. What seems the best to you?

Try changing the code in the Procedures Window. Increase the size of the 
shapes drawn by each of the turtles, or try changing the size of the 
angle each of the turtles turns through.

Instead of each turtle moving or turning a given amount,
what about having it move a small random amount (as in the
changes to curr-color-sep from COLOR-SHIFT). How much
randomness can you add to 'kaleidoscope' and still maintain some kind of 
overall structure?

After running one of the patterns, try changing the number
of NTURTLES and then stop the pattern and push CLEAR-PATCHES-LIFT-PEN.  
Then start the pattern again.  What happens?  Can you explain why this 

Whenever a turtle is hatched by one of NTURTLES, it
proceeds to draw a certain pattern. Change the 'hatch' command list so 
that it draws some other shape or pattern. Try to predict what overall 
shape will emerge.

Try to write an entirely new kind of GEOMETRON-TOP-DOWN project. In the 
current project, turtles spin off from a center core of NTURTLES turtles. 
In your new project, maybe the drawing turtles could orbit around some 
fixed (or moving) point-look at the StarLogo projects 'n-bodies' and 

GEOMETRON-TOP-DOWN makes nice use of the turtle primitive
'hatch'. Whenever a turtle is hatched, it executes the
command list that follows the 'hatch' command. Generally all it does is 
change its color or alter some variable- there's no reason it can't run 
some other, possibly lengthy, procedure. (Which is exactly what happens 


The following is a list of all the basic shape functions that are used in 
this model to create the six patterns.  It is important to understand 
that the complexity of the patterns are actually nothing more than 
different combinations of these shape functions.  For example, pattern-1 
utilizes the rigth-shape and left-shape functions.  Both these functions 
simply draw circles.  However, by adding slight variations to what the 
turtle does and which ones do it, it is possible to create the pattern 
that is represented by pattern-1.  This, in fact, is the basic algorithm 
that the model uses in order to create all the patterns.  Take the basic 
shape functions, add slight variations to what the turtles do and choose 
which turtles do it.

Performs the following procedure 180 times:
Move forward 1.5 steps and turn right by 2 degrees.
To see the shape that this function creates, try calling it in the 
command center with one turtle with the pen down.
A turtle will create a circle heading in the right direction.

Performs the following procedure 180 times:
Move forward 1.5 steps and turn left by 2 degrees.
To see the shape that this function creates, try calling it in the 
command center with one turtle with the pen down.
A turtle will create a circle heading in the left direction.

Performs the following procedure 4 times:
Move forward EXPANDER steps and turn right by 90 degrees.
To see the shape that this function creates, try calling it in the 
command center with one turtle with the pen down.
A turtle will create a square heading in the left direction.

Performs the following procedure 3 times:
Move forward 35 steps and turn right by 120 degrees.
To see the shape that this function creates, try calling it in the 
command center with one turtle with the pen down.
A turtle will create a triangle heading in the right

Performs the following procedure 8 times:
Move forward 30 steps and turn right by 45 degrees.
To see the shape that this function creates, try calling it in the 
command center with one turtle with the pen down.
A turtle will create an octagon heading in the right

Performs the following procedure 5 times:
Move forward 35 steps and turn right by 72 degrees.
To see the shape that this function creates, try calling it in the 
command center with one turtle with the pen down.
A turtle will create a pentagon heading in the right

Performs the following procedure 6 times:
Move forward 30 steps and turn right by 60 degrees.
To see the shape that this function creates, try calling it in the 
command center with one turtle with the pen down.
A turtle will create a hexagon heading in the right direction.

Performs the following procedure 9 times:
Move forward 35 steps and turn right by 40 degrees.
To see the shape that this function creates, try calling it in the 
command center with one turtle with the pen down.
A turtle will create a nine-gon heading in the right


Numbered from 0 to 90 and increments by 1.  Expands and
contracts the square created by LEFT-SQUARE.  Associated with

Numbered from 0 to 10 and increments by 0.1 or (1/10).  Turns
a turtle to the right by the number of degrees specified by 
the slider.  Associated with PATTERN-3 and PATTERN-1.


In this pattern, every 10th turtle moves forward .5 steps and to the 
right by DIRECTION degrees.  Each call to the pattern hatches a turtle 
who performs the RIGHT-SHAPE function, then the LEFT-SHAPE function and 
then dies.  By increasing the DIRECTION, the turtles increase the degrees 
by which they turn to the right.  This means that at each forward 
movement the turtle turns tighter around a center point.  Thus, when 
DIRECTION  is set to 0, the turtle simply moves forward.  The more it is 
increased, say from 0 to 1 to 2 to 10, the more circular the turtles 
movement becomes.  Although the pattern changes, it must be understood 
that the underlying shape that is being created is a circle.

Every even numbered turtle moves forward 1 step and turns right by 1 
degree.  It then hatches a turtle that performs the HEXAGON function and 
then dies.  Every odd numbered turtle moves forward 1 step and turns left 
by 1 degree. It then hatches a turtle that performs the OCTAGON  function 
and then dies.  It is interesting to note that when the nturtles slider 
is raised to a high number ,i.e., greater than or equal to 200, the 
pattern in the lower numbers becomes unrecognizable.  However, it must be 
understood that although the new pattern may appear to be different, 
still, the underlying shapes that are being made are the hexagon and 

Every 5th turtle moves forward .5 steps and turns right by DIRECTION 
degrees.  It then hatches a turtle which performs the PENTAGON function 
and then dies.  PATTERN-3 and PATTERN-5 are probably the simplest 
patterns in this model in terms of explaining their behavior.  Basically, 
PATTERN-3 creates pentagons, but because the turtles move forward .5 and 
move to the right DIRECTION  number of degrees, this is what causes the 
pattern to drastically change.  The illusion is that the hatched turtles 
are somehow creating different shapes but the truth of the matter is that 
they are making pentagons and always will be making pentagons.  It is 
only the slight variations in outside influences that brings about a 
change in the pattern.

Every 3rd turtle turns right by 1 degree and then hatches a turtle that 
performs the NINE-GON function and then dies.  All the other turtles turn 
left by 1 degree and then hatch a turtle that performs the LEFT-SHAPE 
function and then dies.

Every turtle hatches another turtle that performs the LEFT-SQUARE 
function and then dies.  

Every turtle moves forward DIRECTION steps and then hatches a turtle 
which performs the following functions in the following order: NINE-GON, 
performing these functions, each hatched turtle then dies.

	Notice that in each of these functions, the number of times the 
procedure is repeated multiplied by the number of degrees the turtle 
turns either to the right or to the left is equal to 360 degrees.  Which 
means that each of the turtles is creating a polygon.  
	I discovered that in the patterns where the turtle moves a number of 
steps forward and then turns right or left in some direction, this action 
significantly changes the pattern.  For example, in pattern-1, the fact 
that each hatching turtle moves .5 steps forward means that the resulting 
shape from the RIGHT-CIRCLE OR LEFT-CIRCLE function will resemble a 
kidney bean rather than a circle, which is what the RIGHT-CIRCLE  and 
LEFT-CIRCLE function are designed to produce. 
        It is important to understand that these patterns are able to be 
created because they obey certain basic rules about geometry.  For 
example, I mentioned above that all the functions create polygons. This 
is due to the fact that every polygon must have the interior sum of its 
angles equal to 360 degrees.  However, certain slight alterations like 
those mentioned above, are enough to change the shape and create a new 
one.  For example, if the DIRECTION slider started off at 0 in pattern-1, 
every hatching turtle would simple be moving forward by .5 steps as it 
was creating its pattern.  However, if we increase the slider by 
increments of .1, we notice that its movements seem to be getting tighter 
and tighter until it remains fixed in one place and keeps revolving 
around a point.