Constructionist Approach to the Design of Learning Environments (CD)

Learning Sciences 451-025
Northwestern University, Spring 2002
Wednesdays, 2:30-5:30 PM
Annenberg 345, South Learning Studio 

P rofessor: Dr. Uri Wilensky

Graduate Assistants: Dor Abrahamson & Baba Kofi Weusijana

You can download or view the course syllabus in PDF format.

Getting Started:

Check with Charla Hyde Jeffries in the LS office for the course readers.
You also need to purchase a book at Norris:
Papert, S. (1980). Mindstorms. New York: Basic Books.
Please read the entire Mindstorms book by Class 2, April 10

A mechanism for sharing files and an online work 'drop box' is available.

Download Applications for the Course.