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This example demonstrates how to create a square grid for turtles to walk around on using links. When turtles come into contact they merge and become one. Different colors represent different charges (-/+/netural : red/blue/black). The total energy is calculated at each step according to nearest neighbor interactions.


globals [
  colors           ;; colors we are using
  energy           ;; total energy of the system

breed [nodes node]
breed [walkers walker]

walkers-own [location leader agg_id]  ;; holds a node

; Set up routine: creates a grid of patches. Puts nodes on each patch, links them and then puts 
; a number of walkers on the nodes. 
to setup
  set-default-shape nodes "square"
  ask patches
  [ sprout-nodes 1
    [ set color white ;; white
      set size 1.2
  ;; connect the nodes to make a lattice
  ask nodes
      create-links-with nodes-on patches at-points [[0 1] [1 0] ]    
  ask links [ hide-link ]
  ;; put some "walker" turtles on the lattice
  set-default-shape walkers "square"
  set colors [red blue black] ; different colors represent -/+/neutral charges.
  let countr 0
  create-walkers number 
    set color item random 3 colors
    set location one-of nodes
    set leader self
    set agg_id countr
    move-to location
    set countr countr + 1

;Main loop.
to go
ask walkers 
    let cands_on_neighbs walkers-on neighbors4
    let candidates cands_on_neighbs with [leader != [leader] of myself]  

    if any? candidates[
     create-links-with candidates [tie]
     ask candidates [merge]



;Takes test steps in each of the four directions.
to choose_direction
ask walkers with [leader = self] 
        let energy_zero energy
        let left_right 0 let up_down 0
        set-location one-of [link-neighbors at-points [[0 -1] ] ] of location
        if energy < energy_zero [set up_down -1 set left_right 0 set energy_zero energy] 
        set-location one-of [link-neighbors at-points [[0 1] ] ] of location
        set-location one-of [link-neighbors at-points [[0 1] ] ] of location
        if energy < energy_zero [set up_down 1 set left_right 0 set energy_zero energy] 
        set-location one-of [link-neighbors at-points [[0 -1] ] ] of location
        set-location one-of [link-neighbors at-points [[1 0] ] ] of location
        if energy < energy_zero [set up_down 0 set left_right 1 set energy_zero energy]
        set-location one-of [link-neighbors at-points [[-1 0] ] ] of location
        set-location one-of [link-neighbors at-points [[-1 0] ] ] of location
        if energy < energy_zero [set up_down 0 set left_right -1 set energy_zero energy]
        set-location one-of [link-neighbors at-points [[1 0] ] ] of location
;        show up_down
;        show left_right
        if left_right = 0 and up_down = 1 [
        set-location one-of [link-neighbors at-points [[0 1] ] ] of location
        rt (random 4) * 90 
        if left_right = 1 and up_down = 0 [
        set-location one-of [link-neighbors at-points [[1 0] ] ] of location
        rt (random 4) * 90 
        if left_right = -1 and up_down = 0 [
        set-location one-of [link-neighbors at-points [[-1 0] ] ] of location
        rt (random 4) * 90 
        if left_right = 0 and up_down = -1 [
        set-location one-of [link-neighbors at-points [[0 -1] ] ] of location
        rt (random 4) * 90 
        if left_right = 0 and up_down = 0 [
        set-location one-of [link-neighbors] of location
        rt (random 4) * 90 
;        rt (random 4) * 90 

;Finds the total energy (Note the /2 is to avoid double counting).
to find_energy
  set energy  0
  ask walkers [
    let cands_on_neighbs walkers-on neighbors4
    if [color] of self  = blue [                     ;show "blue"
      if any? cands_on_neighbs with [color = blue] [set energy energy + (9 / 2)]
      if any? cands_on_neighbs with [color = red] [set energy energy - (11 / 2)]
      if any? cands_on_neighbs with [color = black] [set energy energy - (1 / 2)]
    if [color] of self  = red [ 
      if any? cands_on_neighbs with [color = blue] [set energy energy - (11 / 2)]
      if any? cands_on_neighbs with [color = red] [set energy energy + (9 / 2)]
      if any? cands_on_neighbs with [color = black] [set energy energy - (1 / 2)]
    if [color] of self  = black [ 
      if any? cands_on_neighbs with [color = blue] [set energy energy - (1 / 2)]
      if any? cands_on_neighbs with [color = red] [set energy energy - (1 / 2)]
      if any? cands_on_neighbs with [color = black] [set energy energy - (1 / 2)]

; Merges agents when they are next to each other.
to merge 
      set leader [leader] of myself
      set agg_id [agg_id] of myself 
      ask link-neighbors with [leader != [leader] of myself]
      [ merge ]

; Required to move agants on the grid
to set-location [new-location]  ;; walker procedure
  set location new-location
  move-to new-location

;Basic plotting.
to update-plot
  set-current-plot "Energy"
  plot energy