; Experiment with first setup of an integrated Learning Network Simulator ; (c) Rob Koper, March/April 2004 (small revisions: June 2004) ; This version is the one described in the article for JASSS ; ; TURLLE COLORS ; Red = new learners; green = learners that succeeded with at least one course ; White = dropout (on black patches always hided) Yellow = learners with pheromone influenced target ; Grey = learners that sit on ANs after being send by pheromones Other colors on patches = learners studying ; ; Some code included are for future extensions and not visible in the user-interface globals [ANs diploma AN-objectives-range tel number competence-levels new-learners-total last-learners max-a max-b max-c diplomas-provided time-unit studytimefactor regular-diploma-list regular-search-AN search-repetitions mean-motivation k m W1 W2 W3 MfactorWeight SfactorWeight succeed-motivation-bonus fail-motivation-malus proportion-of-courses follow name tot-restarters pheromones first-doel competence-match error-factor dist std-motivation std-weekly-studytime max-attempts to-do-list consistency monthly-input-distribution month-dist month-count month fixed-number-d-ANs number-diploma-ANs replications pheromone-type AN-selection-principle input-dist diploma-type n-learners] patches-own [AN-type AN-objective AN-level AN-studytime AN-quality AN-student-contribution AN-number-started AN-number-succeeded AN-avg-studytime] turtles-own [goal target to-do search-AN current motivation cl-A cl-B cl-C studytime studytime-current-AN total-studytime total-planned-studytime attempts-current-AN attempts Portfolio-ANs portfolio-competence numb-pher-choices numb-restarted no-pher] ; cl is competence-level to setup random-seed 14031957 ; use the seed when controlled experiments are needed ca ;---------------------VARIABLES TO SET DURING EXPERIMENTATION--------------------------------------------- set name "LIZZ" set fixed-number-d-ANs true ; BOOLEAN/(only for regular diploma) if true number-diploma-ANs will be selected/if false proportion-of-courses set number-diploma-ANs 52 ; number of diploma ANs that will be prepared when fixed-number-d-ANs = true set proportion-of-courses 1 ; defines the proportion of ANs that are diploma ANs when fixed-number... = false set search-repetitions 50 ; number of steps needed for searching an AN, before time-unit proceeds. Must be higher when number of ANs is lower set max-attempts 5 ; max number of tentaminations per AN allowed before dropout set k 0.5 ; influence on avg-studytime for a mismatch on the core competence (the competence the AN is defined on). Default 0.5 set m 0.1 ; influence on avg-studytime for a mismatch on other competences than the core competence. Default 0.1 set std-weekly-studytime mean-weekly-study-time / 1 ; std studytime as distributed among students set mean-motivation 2 ; initial motivation of turtles. Can range from 1 .. 10. When motivation < 0 => dropout set std-motivation 0.5 ; (eg 0.5 or 1). set succeed-motivation-bonus 1.5 ; motivation points extra when succeed to pass tentamination for an AN set fail-motivation-malus 0.3 ; motivation points less when failed for an tentamination attempt. set MfactorWeight 0.5 ; adjustable weight to define the influence of the error-factors on the motivation set SfactorWeight 1 ; adjustable weight to define the influence of the error-factors on the studytime set W1 1 ; adjustable motivation & studytime weights: influence of disturbance on motivation & studytime set W2 1 ; adjustable motivation & studytime weights: influence of competence (mis)match on motivation & studytime set W3 1 ; adjustable motivation & studytime weights: influence of quality on motivation & studytime set month ["January" "February" "March" "April" "May" "June" "July" "August" "September" "October" "November" "December"] ; used for display purposes set competence-levels 5 ; number of levels per competence A, B or C. Default 5 levels. ANs and learners indicate this level. set AN-objectives-range ["A" "B" "C"] ; don't change this without changing cl-A .. cl-C and other references. set follow false ; initial status for the follow-me button ; -----future extension code----------- set pheromone-type "converge:random" set AN-selection-principle "intelligent" set input-dist false set diploma-type "no" ; ------------------------------------- set n-learners false set tel 1 create-ANs set month-count 0 ; month 0 is january and 11 is december new-learners end to go locals [error repetition] ifelse month-count >= 12 [set month-count 0] [set month-count ((time-unit + 1) mod 52) / 4.3333] if ((count turtles with [target = "attained objective" or color = white] = new-learners-total) or time-unit = weeks) and input-dist = false [user-message "simulation finished"] ask turtles with [motivation <= 0] [set target "dropout" set color white] ; this is the only dropout rule! More rules could be ask turtles with [color = white and pcolor = black] [set hidden? true] ; related to number of tentamination attempts or time at AN ifelse dropout = true [ask turtles with [color = white and pcolor != black] [set hidden? false]] [ask turtles with [color = white and pcolor != black] [set hidden? true]] if follow-me = true and follow = false [ask random-one-of turtles with [color != white and hidden? = false] [set follow true set label name + ">" inspect self]] if follow-me = false and follow = true [ask turtles with [label = name + ">"] [set label "" set follow false]] set repetition search-repetitions ; number of steps for learners to search ANs between time-units set time-unit time-unit + 1 repeat repetition [ ; this is the time for learners to search an adequate AN. It happens within 1 time-unit ifelse random 100 < matching-error [set error random-normal 5 2.5] [set error 0] ; set change for a matching error ; matching error doesn't occur in a regular diploma, but only when a learner matches competences during selection of ANs ask turtles with [hidden? = false and search-AN != "studying" and target != "dropout"] ; deleted: and pcolor = black [ifelse search-AN = "searching" [set-search-AN] ; set search AN for all cases that are not yet set [if AN-selection-principle = "intelligent" [select-ANs-intelligent search-AN error] ] ]] update-studytime-current-AN do-plots if learners-once = false [new-learners] end to select-ANs-intelligent [doel marge] ; this will select ANs intelligent given certain error, ifelse no-pher = true [select-AN doel marge] ; ANs are inspected on suitability for the competence levels [ifelse (random 100) + 1 > pheromone-strength [set no-pher true select-AN doel marge] [determine-pheromones doel ifelse count pheromones > 0 [select-AN-pheromone first-doel stop] ; when more than one target, select the first [select-AN doel marge] ; when no pheromone, select the normal ('intelligent') way. ] ] end to determine-pheromones [doel] ; determine whether there are pheromones available given current position AN and target AN locals [temp temp2 nextAN positie] ; different positioning experiments need a different routine here ; search learners with same goal in portfolio AN, but who have completed one AN more. ; if present, report true, anders false ; set pheromone to learner agentset set first-doel sentence first doel item 1 doel ; this selects the first pair e.g. ["A" 1] when the search target contains more competences. ifelse length portfolio-competence > 0 ; distiguish between starters and learners with a position (min. one AN studied) [set positie last portfolio-ANs ; determine position of learner (ONLY last AN studied!!) without-interruption [ ; needed to prevent side-effects set pheromones turtles with [self != myself and member? (last goal-of myself) goal and length portfolio-ANs > 1 and member? first-doel but-first portfolio-competence and member? positie portfolio-ANs and position first-doel portfolio-competence = (position positie portfolio-ANs) + 1] ; turtles except from myself with a portfolio of at least 2 items ]] [without-interruption [ ; needed to prevent side-effects/ this sets the pheromones for new learners with unknown position set pheromones turtles with [self != myself and member? (last goal-of myself) goal and length portfolio-competence > 0 and first portfolio-competence = first-doel] ; turtles except from myself with a portfolio of at least 2 items ]] end to select-AN-pheromone [doel] ; here you can find the policies for the different pheromone types. if pheromone-type = "converge:modes" [convergence-pheromone-policy "modes" doel] ; most frequent next AN if pheromone-type = "converge:random" [convergence-pheromone-policy "random" doel] ; random one of next ANs (higher frequency => more chance) if pheromone-type = "converge:= last target] [stop-studying] ask turtles with [pcolor = black and first target = "B" and cl-B < last target] [set search-AN sentence "B" (cl-B + 1)] ask turtles with [pcolor = black and first target = "B" and cl-B >= last target] [stop-studying] ask turtles with [pcolor = black and first target = "C" and cl-C < last target] [set search-AN sentence "C" (cl-C + 1)] ask turtles with [pcolor = black and first target = "C" and cl-C >= last target] [stop-studying] end to new-learners ; learners komen uit (0 -17 = screen-edge-y - (2 * screen-edge-y)) en de dichtsbijzijnde cursussen zijn degenen die in het curriculum de meeste kans op selectie maken ; als er geen andere informatie beschikbaar is. Daardoor beginnen learners altijd onderaan en werken naar boven. locals [distribution-factor] ifelse input-dist = true [set distribution-factor month-dist] [set distribution-factor 1] ifelse n-learners = false [set number int (random-poisson (mean-new-learners * distribution-factor))] [set number int (mean-new-learners * distribution-factor)] ; fixed number or random number per time-unit set new-learners-total new-learners-total + number show item int month-count month + " week " + ((time-unit mod 52) + 1) + ", year " + int ((time-unit / 52) + 1) + ", new learners: " + number ; to view the number of new students per week + the month we are in ask random-n-of number (patches with [pcolor = black]) [sprout 1 [set color red set shape "person" set heading random 360 set portfolio-ANs [] set search-AN [] set target "new learner" set current "searching" set portfolio-competence [] ]] set last-learners turtles with [target = "new learner"] ask last-learners [set goal []] ask last-learners [ specify-target "new" ; set competence levels and for non-diploma students set target set-studytime ; set the number of study hours a student has available per time-unit (week) set-motivation ; set the motivation set-search-AN] ; set the AN search target end to set-studytime ask last-learners [set studytime round random-gamma (mean-weekly-study-time ^ 2 / std-weekly-studytime ^ 2) (1 / (std-weekly-studytime ^ 2 / mean-weekly-study-time))] ; gamma distribution with alfa = (mean * mean / variance) lamda = 1 / (variance / mean) see netlogo manual ; gamma distributions are used to estimated task duration (see arena manual blz 591) end to set-motivation ; research: 30% of the starters stops (non-starters) ask last-learners [set motivation random-gamma (mean-motivation ^ 2 / std-motivation ^ 2) (1 / (std-motivation ^ 2 / mean-motivation))] end to specify-target [restart] ; target + competence levels, e.g. cl-A is competence-level for competence A ; depending on the proportion of diploma learners set in user-interface the target is set. ; diploma students have to study ALL the diploma ANs. A diploma is only setup when there are more than 70 ANs ; number of if restart = "new" ; new learners get their initial comp.levels; restarters keep their competence levels; [ask last-learners [set target random-one-of AN-objectives-range] ; want to increase the competence level of A, B or C. ask last-learners [set cl-A round random-exponential 0.5] ; set competence levels (change with another distribution when needed) ask last-learners [set cl-B round random-exponential 0.5] ; when experimenting, change these values ask last-learners [set cl-C round random-exponential 0.5]] ; now: exponential (highest change of a low value) ask last-learners with [target = "A"] [set target sentence "A" (cl-A + 1 + (random (5 - cl-A)))] ; set target with level. ask last-learners with [target = "B"] [set target sentence "B" (cl-B + 1 + (random (3 - cl-B)))] ; level A is always available until level 5 ask last-learners with [target = "C"] [set target sentence "C" (cl-C + 1 + (random (3 - cl-C)))] ; B and C until 3 ifelse goal = [] [set goal (list target)] [set goal lput target goal] ; set goal, restarters have more than one goal. end to create-ANs locals [AN-type-range] crt 1 ; the patches created using a temporary turtle while [(count patches with [pcolor = green]) != units-of-learning] [ask turtles [lt (random 361) ; position head of turtle in random direction fd (random screen-size-x) ; position turtle a random number of steps ask patch-here [set pcolor green set AN-studytime set-study-load-uol ; restriction every AN has the same study-time (studielast) set AN-quality min-quality + random ((max-quality + 1) - min-quality) ; avarage quality of ANs is between lowest % (bad) and 100% (good) set AN-objective (random-one-of AN-objectives-range)] ; set random learning objective for AN ask neighbors [set pcolor black set AN-type "empty" ; to prevent two patches connected to eachother set AN-objective "empty"] ; to prevent two patches connected to eachother set pcolor-of (patch 0 (screen-edge-y - (2 * screen-edge-y))) black ; prevent that the turtle source is black set tel tel + 1 ] ] set ANs patches with [pcolor != black] ; define variable ANs with all the ANs ask turtles [die] ; delete temporary turtle ask patches [if AN-objective = "A" [set pcolor red set AN-level (random competence-levels) + 1] ; give different ANs a different color if AN-objective = "B" [set pcolor green set AN-level (random competence-levels) + 1] if AN-objective = "C" [set pcolor blue set AN-level (random competence-levels) + 1]] end to select-random-AN [doel marge] ; random doesn't look at any match with objectives, etc. It is completely stupid! ifelse pcolor-of patch-ahead 1 != black [set-studying stop] [ifelse pcolor-of patch-right-and-ahead 90 1 != black ; look at the right [rt 90 set-studying stop] [ifelse pcolor-of patch-left-and-ahead 90 1 != black ; look at the left [lt 90 set-studying stop] [walk 1]]] end to select-AN [doel marge] ; the learners in-search selects an adequate AN ifelse pcolor-of patch-ahead 1 != black and ; NO DIPLOMA and if AN ahead an-objective-of patch-ahead 1 = first doel and ; and the AN has the needed objective (an-level-of patch-ahead 1 <= (last doel + marge) and ; and the AN has the needed level then study an-level-of patch-ahead 1 >= (last doel - marge)) and ; the mismatch is expressed here not (member? (list pxcor-of patch-ahead 1 pycor-of patch-ahead 1) portfolio-ANs) ; The AN is not already studied [set-studying stop] [ifelse pcolor-of patch-right-and-ahead 90 1 != black and ; look at the right an-objective-of patch-right-and-ahead 90 1 = first doel and an-level-of patch-right-and-ahead 90 1 = (last doel + marge) and not (member? (list pxcor-of patch-right-and-ahead 90 1 pycor-of patch-right-and-ahead 90 1) portfolio-ANs) ; The AN is not already studied [rt 90 set-studying stop] [ifelse pcolor-of patch-left-and-ahead 90 1 != black and ; look at the left an-objective-of patch-left-and-ahead 90 1 = first doel and an-level-of patch-left-and-ahead 90 1 = (last doel + marge) and not (member? (list pxcor-of patch-left-and-ahead 90 1 pycor-of patch-left-and-ahead 90 1) portfolio-ANs) ; The AN is not already studied [lt 90 set-studying stop] [walk 1] ]] end to set-studying ifelse motivation > 0 [fd 1 ifelse color = yellow [set color grey] [set color pcolor + 30] set search-AN "studying" set AN-number-started AN-number-started + 1 set current (list pxcor pycor an-objective an-level)] [walk 1] end to walk [step] repeat step [ if random 20 = 0 [set heading (random 360)] ; change direction sometimes to avoid endless repeated search path ifelse pcolor-of patch-ahead 1 = black [fd 1] [set heading (random 360)] if demo = true [wait 0.1]] end to update-studytime-current-AN ask turtles with [color != white and search-AN = "studying" and studytime-current-AN >= AN-studytime] [without-interruption [tentamination-attempt]] ask turtles with [color != white and search-AN = "studying" and studytime-current-AN < AN-studytime] [without-interruption [calculate-studytime-motivation]] ; netto study progression in hours per time unit end to calculate-studytime-motivation locals [time-learner-spends] ; purpose: calculate the number of actual study hours a student studies per time unit based on: ; disturbance-factor, average match to competence level (A+B+C), AN-quality and studytime ; whith a better match a student delivers more time (in fact can spent less time with more effect!) determine-dropout-factors set time-learner-spends studytime * error-factor * SfactorWeight ; corrects effectively spend studytime depending on errorfactor set studytime-current-AN studytime-current-AN + time-learner-spends set total-studytime total-studytime + time-learner-spends set total-planned-studytime total-planned-studytime + studytime set motivation motivation + ((error-factor - 1) * mean-motivation * MfactorWeight); ALTERNATIVE SIMPLE FORMULA end to determine-dropout-factors ; set disturbance, competence-match and error-factor (based on dist, competence and AN-quality) ifelse random 100 < disturbance-chance [set dist ((random 100) / 100)] [set dist 1] ; if disturbance occurs (with % chance = disturbance factor) then the level of disturbance is a factor between 0 and 1 (0 = high disturbance) set-competence-match set error-factor (((dist * W1) + ((1 / competence-match) * W2) + ((AN-quality / 100) * W3)) / (W1 + W2 + W3)) end to set-competence-match ; when a person has a higher avg level of competence than needed for the course, he studies faster and vise versa if AN-objective = "A" [set competence-match (AN-level / (cl-A + 1)) ^ k * (AN-level / ((0.5 * (cl-B + cl-C)) + 1)) ^ m] ; see tab for explanation if AN-objective = "B" [set competence-match (AN-level / (cl-B + 1)) ^ k * (AN-level / ((0.5 * (cl-A + cl-C)) + 1)) ^ m] if AN-objective = "C" [set competence-match (AN-level / (cl-C + 1)) ^ k * (AN-level / ((0.5 * (cl-A + cl-B)) + 1)) ^ m] end to tentamination-attempt ifelse attempts-current-AN >= max-attempts [set motivation -10] ; this will force dropout [determine-dropout-factors set attempts attempts + 1 ifelse random 101 < (error-factor * 100) [set attempts-current-AN 0 succeed] [set attempts-current-AN attempts-current-AN + 1 set motivation motivation - fail-motivation-malus ; minus motivation must be between 0 and 1 set studytime-current-AN round studytime-current-AN - (0.2 * studytime-current-AN) ; need 20% extra studytime every new tentamination attempt ]]; fail end to succeed ifelse motivation > 0 [set motivation motivation + succeed-motivation-bonus ; extra motivation set AN-avg-studytime ((an-number-succeeded * AN-avg-studytime) + studytime-current-AN) / (an-number-succeeded + 1) ; calculate avg studytime learners needed set studytime-current-AN 0 set no-pher false ; learner can be influenced again by pheromones set AN-number-succeeded AN-number-succeeded + 1 set portfolio-ANs lput (list pxcor pycor) portfolio-ANs ; build the list of ANs that are completed [[1 10] [1 3]] etc. set portfolio-competence lput (list AN-objective AN-level) portfolio-competence ; build the list of completed ANs by levels [[C 1][A 3]] etc. ifelse AN-objective = "A" [if AN-level > cl-a [set cl-a AN-level]] ; competence level is set to the AN level when AN-level is higher [ifelse AN-objective = "B" [if AN-level > cl-b [set cl-b AN-level]] [if AN-objective = "C" [if AN-level > cl-c [set cl-c AN-level]]]] set current "searching" set search-AN "searching" set-search-AN set color green ; green are turtles that have studied at least one AN walk 3] [set color white] end to do-plots if mean-new-learners > 0 and count turtles with [color != white] > 1 and sum values-from turtles [total-planned-studytime] > 0 [ ; otherwise devide by 0 possible set-current-plot "dropout & attained" set-current-plot-pen "Dropout" plot count turtles with [color = white] / new-learners-total set-current-plot-pen "Attained" plot count turtles with [target = "attained objective"] / new-learners-total ] end @#$#@#$#@ GRAPHICS-WINDOW 216 10 650 468 23 23 9.0213 1 10 1 1 1 CC-WINDOW 216 466 649 615 Command Center BUTTON 133 10 217 43 NIL setup NIL 1 T OBSERVER T SLIDER 649 10 864 43 units-of-learning units-of-learning 0 180 100 1 1 NIL SLIDER 648 73 863 106 mean-new-learners mean-new-learners 0 1000 6 1 1 NIL BUTTON 133 43 217 76 NIL go T 1 T OBSERVER T MONITOR 133 123 215 172 new learners new-learners-total 3 1 MONITOR 132 172 215 221 searching count (turtles with [pcolor = black and hidden? = false and color != white]) + " (" + round ((count (turtles with [pcolor = black and hidden? = false and color != white]) / new-learners-total) * 100) + "%)" 3 1 SLIDER 651 138 862 171 matching-error matching-error 0 100 0 1 1 NIL SLIDER 649 201 861 234 mean-weekly-study-time mean-weekly-study-time 0 40 6 1 1 NIL SLIDER 649 233 861 266 set-study-load-uol set-study-load-uol 0 200 25 1 1 NIL SLIDER 649 105 863 138 disturbance-chance disturbance-chance 0 100 0 1 1 NIL SWITCH 964 110 1087 143 dropout dropout 1 1 -1000 SLIDER 649 170 752 203 min-quality min-quality 0 100 100 1 1 NIL SLIDER 751 170 861 203 max-quality max-quality 0 100 100 1 1 NIL SWITCH 964 77 1093 110 learners-once learners-once 1 1 -1000 SLIDER 648 264 861 297 pheromone-strength pheromone-strength 0 100 0 1 1 NIL SWITCH 964 44 1087 77 follow-me follow-me 1 1 -1000 SLIDER 648 42 863 75 weeks weeks 0 1040 1040 26 1 NIL MONITOR 133 76 216 125 weeks time-unit 3 1 SWITCH 963 11 1053 44 demo demo 1 1 -1000 PLOT 649 297 861 467 dropout & attained time dropout 0.0 100.0 0.0 1.0 true false PENS "Dropout" 1.0 0 -65536 true "Attained" 1.0 0 -16776961 true MONITOR 826 297 921 346 Attained (blue) count turtles with [target = "attained objective"] + " (" + round ((count turtles with [target = "attained objective"] / new-learners-total) * 100) + "%)" 3 1 MONITOR 826 345 920 394 Dropout (red) count turtles with [color = white] + " (" + round ((count turtles with [color = white] / new-learners-total) * 100) + "%)" 3 1 @#$#@#$#@ @#$#@#$#@ default true 0 Polygon -7566196 true true 150 5 40 250 150 205 260 250 ant true 0 Polygon -7566196 true true 136 61 129 46 144 30 119 45 124 60 114 82 97 37 132 10 93 36 111 84 127 105 172 105 189 84 208 35 171 11 202 35 204 37 186 82 177 60 180 44 159 32 170 44 165 60 Polygon -7566196 true true 150 95 135 103 139 117 125 149 137 180 135 196 150 204 166 195 161 180 174 150 158 116 164 102 Polygon -7566196 true true 149 186 128 197 114 232 134 270 149 282 166 270 185 232 171 195 149 186 149 186 Polygon -7566196 true true 225 66 230 107 159 122 161 127 234 111 236 106 Polygon -7566196 true true 78 58 99 116 139 123 137 128 95 119 Polygon -7566196 true true 48 103 90 147 129 147 130 151 86 151 Polygon -7566196 true true 65 224 92 171 134 160 135 164 95 175 Polygon -7566196 true true 235 222 210 170 163 162 161 166 208 174 Polygon -7566196 true true 249 107 211 147 168 147 168 150 213 150 arrow true 0 Polygon -7566196 true true 150 0 0 150 105 150 105 293 195 293 195 150 300 150 bee true 0 Polygon -256 true false 152 149 77 163 67 195 67 211 74 234 85 252 100 264 116 276 134 286 151 300 167 285 182 278 206 260 220 242 226 218 226 195 222 166 Polygon -16777216 true false 150 149 128 151 114 151 98 145 80 122 80 103 81 83 95 67 117 58 141 54 151 53 177 55 195 66 207 82 211 94 211 116 204 139 189 149 171 152 Polygon -7566196 true true 151 54 119 59 96 60 81 50 78 39 87 25 103 18 115 23 121 13 150 1 180 14 189 23 197 17 210 19 222 30 222 44 212 57 192 58 Polygon -16777216 true false 70 185 74 171 223 172 224 186 Polygon -16777216 true false 67 211 71 226 224 226 225 211 67 211 Polygon -16777216 true false 91 257 106 269 195 269 211 255 Line -1 false 144 100 70 87 Line -1 false 70 87 45 87 Line -1 false 45 86 26 97 Line -1 false 26 96 22 115 Line -1 false 22 115 25 130 Line -1 false 26 131 37 141 Line -1 false 37 141 55 144 Line -1 false 55 143 143 101 Line -1 false 141 100 227 138 Line -1 false 227 138 241 137 Line -1 false 241 137 249 129 Line -1 false 249 129 254 110 Line -1 false 253 108 248 97 Line -1 false 249 95 235 82 Line -1 false 235 82 144 100 bird1 false 0 Polygon -7566196 true true 2 6 2 39 270 298 297 298 299 271 187 160 279 75 276 22 100 67 31 0 bird2 false 0 Polygon -7566196 true true 2 4 33 4 298 270 298 298 272 298 155 184 117 289 61 295 61 105 0 43 boat1 false 0 Polygon -1 true false 63 162 90 207 223 207 290 162 Rectangle -6524078 true false 150 32 157 162 Polygon -16776961 true false 150 34 131 49 145 47 147 48 149 49 Polygon -7566196 true true 158 33 230 157 182 150 169 151 157 156 Polygon -7566196 true true 149 55 88 143 103 139 111 136 117 139 126 145 130 147 139 147 146 146 149 55 boat2 false 0 Polygon -1 true false 63 162 90 207 223 207 290 162 Rectangle -6524078 true false 150 32 157 162 Polygon -16776961 true false 150 34 131 49 145 47 147 48 149 49 Polygon -7566196 true true 157 54 175 79 174 96 185 102 178 112 194 124 196 131 190 139 192 146 211 151 216 154 157 154 Polygon -7566196 true true 150 74 146 91 139 99 143 114 141 123 137 126 131 129 132 139 142 136 126 142 119 147 148 147 boat3 false 0 Polygon -1 true false 63 162 90 207 223 207 290 162 Rectangle -6524078 true false 150 32 157 162 Polygon -16776961 true false 150 34 131 49 145 47 147 48 149 49 Polygon -7566196 true true 158 37 172 45 188 59 202 79 217 109 220 130 218 147 204 156 158 156 161 142 170 123 170 102 169 88 165 62 Polygon -7566196 true true 149 66 142 78 139 96 141 111 146 139 148 147 110 147 113 131 118 106 126 71 box true 0 Polygon -7566196 true true 45 255 255 255 255 45 45 45 butterfly1 true 0 Polygon -16777216 true false 151 76 138 91 138 284 150 296 162 286 162 91 Polygon -7566196 true true 164 106 184 79 205 61 236 48 259 53 279 86 287 119 289 158 278 177 256 182 164 181 Polygon -7566196 true true 136 110 119 82 110 71 85 61 59 48 36 56 17 88 6 115 2 147 15 178 134 178 Polygon -7566196 true true 46 181 28 227 50 255 77 273 112 283 135 274 135 180 Polygon -7566196 true true 165 185 254 184 272 224 255 251 236 267 191 283 164 276 Line -7566196 true 167 47 159 82 Line -7566196 true 136 47 145 81 Circle -7566196 true true 165 45 8 Circle -7566196 true true 134 45 6 Circle -7566196 true true 133 44 7 Circle -7566196 true true 133 43 8 circle false 0 Circle -7566196 true true 35 35 230 person false 0 Circle -7566196 true true 155 20 63 Rectangle -7566196 true true 158 79 217 164 Polygon -7566196 true true 158 81 110 129 131 143 158 109 165 110 Polygon -7566196 true true 216 83 267 123 248 143 215 107 Polygon -7566196 true true 167 163 145 234 183 234 183 163 Polygon -7566196 true true 195 163 195 233 227 233 206 159 sheep false 15 Rectangle -1 true true 90 75 270 225 Circle -1 true true 15 75 150 Rectangle -16777216 true false 81 225 134 286 Rectangle -16777216 true false 180 225 238 285 Circle -16777216 true false 1 88 92 spacecraft true 0 Polygon -7566196 true true 150 0 180 135 255 255 225 240 150 180 75 240 45 255 120 135 thin-arrow true 0 Polygon -7566196 true true 150 0 0 150 120 150 120 293 180 293 180 150 300 150 truck-down false 0 Polygon -7566196 true true 225 30 225 270 120 270 105 210 60 180 45 30 105 60 105 30 Polygon -8716033 true false 195 75 195 120 240 120 240 75 Polygon -8716033 true false 195 225 195 180 240 180 240 225 truck-left false 0 Polygon -7566196 true true 120 135 225 135 225 210 75 210 75 165 105 165 Polygon -8716033 true false 90 210 105 225 120 210 Polygon -8716033 true false 180 210 195 225 210 210 truck-right false 0 Polygon -7566196 true true 180 135 75 135 75 210 225 210 225 165 195 165 Polygon -8716033 true false 210 210 195 225 180 210 Polygon -8716033 true false 120 210 105 225 90 210 turtle true 0 Polygon -7566196 true true 138 75 162 75 165 105 225 105 225 142 195 135 195 187 225 195 225 225 195 217 195 202 105 202 105 217 75 225 75 195 105 187 105 135 75 142 75 105 135 105 wolf false 0 Rectangle -7566196 true true 15 105 105 165 Rectangle -7566196 true true 45 90 105 105 Polygon -7566196 true true 60 90 83 44 104 90 Polygon -16777216 true false 67 90 82 59 97 89 Rectangle -1 true false 48 93 59 105 Rectangle -16777216 true false 51 96 55 101 Rectangle -16777216 true false 0 121 15 135 Rectangle -16777216 true false 15 136 60 151 Polygon -1 true false 15 136 23 149 31 136 Polygon -1 true false 30 151 37 136 43 151 Rectangle -7566196 true true 105 120 263 195 Rectangle -7566196 true true 108 195 259 201 Rectangle -7566196 true true 114 201 252 210 Rectangle -7566196 true true 120 210 243 214 Rectangle -7566196 true true 115 114 255 120 Rectangle -7566196 true true 128 108 248 114 Rectangle -7566196 true true 150 105 225 108 Rectangle -7566196 true true 132 214 155 270 Rectangle -7566196 true true 110 260 132 270 Rectangle -7566196 true true 210 214 232 270 Rectangle -7566196 true true 189 260 210 270 Line -7566196 true 263 127 281 155 Line -7566196 true 281 155 281 192 wolf-left false 3 Polygon -6524078 true true 117 97 91 74 66 74 60 85 36 85 38 92 44 97 62 97 81 117 84 134 92 147 109 152 136 144 174 144 174 103 143 103 134 97 Polygon -6524078 true true 87 80 79 55 76 79 Polygon -6524078 true true 81 75 70 58 73 82 Polygon -6524078 true true 99 131 76 152 76 163 96 182 104 182 109 173 102 167 99 173 87 159 104 140 Polygon -6524078 true true 107 138 107 186 98 190 99 196 112 196 115 190 Polygon -6524078 true true 116 140 114 189 105 137 Rectangle -6524078 true true 109 150 114 192 Rectangle -6524078 true true 111 143 116 191 Polygon -6524078 true true 168 106 184 98 205 98 218 115 218 137 186 164 196 176 195 194 178 195 178 183 188 183 169 164 173 144 Polygon -6524078 true true 207 140 200 163 206 175 207 192 193 189 192 177 198 176 185 150 Polygon -6524078 true true 214 134 203 168 192 148 Polygon -6524078 true true 204 151 203 176 193 148 Polygon -6524078 true true 207 103 221 98 236 101 243 115 243 128 256 142 239 143 233 133 225 115 214 114 wolf-right false 3 Polygon -6524078 true true 170 127 200 93 231 93 237 103 262 103 261 113 253 119 231 119 215 143 213 160 208 173 189 187 169 190 154 190 126 180 106 171 72 171 73 126 122 126 144 123 159 123 Polygon -6524078 true true 201 99 214 69 215 99 Polygon -6524078 true true 207 98 223 71 220 101 Polygon -6524078 true true 184 172 189 234 203 238 203 246 187 247 180 239 171 180 Polygon -6524078 true true 197 174 204 220 218 224 219 234 201 232 195 225 179 179 Polygon -6524078 true true 78 167 95 187 95 208 79 220 92 234 98 235 100 249 81 246 76 241 61 212 65 195 52 170 45 150 44 128 55 121 69 121 81 135 Polygon -6524078 true true 48 143 58 141 Polygon -6524078 true true 46 136 68 137 Polygon -6524078 true true 45 129 35 142 37 159 53 192 47 210 62 238 80 237 Line -16777216 false 74 237 59 213 Line -16777216 false 59 213 59 212 Line -16777216 false 58 211 67 192 Polygon -6524078 true true 38 138 66 149 Polygon -6524078 true true 46 128 33 120 21 118 11 123 3 138 5 160 13 178 9 192 0 199 20 196 25 179 24 161 25 148 45 140 Polygon -6524078 true true 67 122 96 126 63 144 @#$#@#$#@ NetLogo 2.0.1 @#$#@#$#@ @#$#@#$#@ @#$#@#$#@