patches-own[reward Qlist] breeds [walker] globals[ave-reward r-episode episode] walker-own [Qsa Hlist] to setup ;--this builds the maze that the walker has to learn to get through ca let x screen-edge-x let y screen-edge-y ;--patches are the individual states: set up color, reward, and inital Q(s,a) values ask patches [ set pcolor green - 1] ask patches with [pxcor = x or pxcor = (- x) or pycor = y or pycor = (- y)][set pcolor blue] ask patches with [pycor = -1][set pcolor blue] ask patch -4 -4 [set pcolor green - 2] ask patch -1 2 [set pcolor blue ask random-one-of neighbors4 [set pcolor blue]] ask patch 1 1 [set pcolor blue ask random-one-of neighbors4 [set pcolor blue]] ask patch -2 -3 [set pcolor blue ask random-one-of neighbors4 [set pcolor blue]] ask random-one-of patches with [pycor = -1 and pxcor != (- x) and pxcor != x] [set pcolor green - 1 ask patches with [pycor = pycor-of myself + 1 or pycor = pycor-of myself - 1 and pxcor = pxcor-of myself] [if pcolor != pcolor-of myself [set pcolor pcolor-of myself] ] ] ask patches [ifelse pcolor > 70 [set reward ( -10)][set reward 0]] ask patch 4 4 [set pcolor green set reward 10] ask patches [set plabel reward] ;--initailize Q(s,a) values for the patches ask patches [set Qlist [0 0 0 0]] ;--this list stores the reward values of the state-action mapping ;--intialize walker create-custom-walker 1 [ set shape "ant 2" set color red - 1 setxy -4 -4 set size .5 set Hlist [90 180 270 0]] end to go set episode 1 while [episode <= num-episodes] [set r-episode [] ask walker [setxy -4 -4] pen-down set Qsa 0 while [reward-of patch-here = 0] [ ;--from current state find maximun action ;let Qnew max Qlist ;--find the max value of Qsa from this patch ;--better search let Qnew 1 let Qmax 0 let dirp 0 let rand random-float 1 ifelse rand <= exploration-% [ let dir random-one-of Hlist ;--pick random direction set dirp position dir Hlist ;--find dir's position in the Hlist array set Qmax max Qlist ;--get max from the Qlist values of the current patch set Qnew item dirp Qlist ;--find the value in Qlist with the same position as in the Hlist ] [ while [Qnew != Qmax] [ let dir random-one-of Hlist ;--pick random direction set dirp position dir Hlist ;--find dir's position in the Hlist array set Qmax max Qlist ;--get max from the Qlist values of the current patch set Qnew item dirp Qlist ;--find the value in Qlist with the same position as in the Hlist ] ] set heading item dirp Hlist let r reward-of patch-ahead 1 set r-episode lput r r-episode ;-- Q-learning update function let QQnew max Qlist-of patch-ahead 1 set Qnew Qnew + step-size * (r + discount * QQnew - Qnew) ;--perform Q-Learning set Qnew precision Qnew 3 set Qlist replace-item dirp Qlist Qnew fd 1 ] let lng length r-episode let lngsum sum r-episode set ave-reward lngsum / lng set-current-plot "Ave Reward Per Episode" plot ave-reward print "--------episode " + episode set episode episode + 1 pen-erase ] end @#$#@#$#@ GRAPHICS-WINDOW 204 10 764 591 5 5 50.0 1 10 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 CC-WINDOW 5 605 773 700 Command Center 0 BUTTON 2 10 65 43 NIL setup NIL 1 T OBSERVER T NIL SLIDER 2 77 174 110 step-size step-size 0 1 1.0 0.1 1 NIL SLIDER 2 110 174 143 discount discount 0 1 0.5 0.1 1 NIL PLOT 3 176 203 326 Ave Reward Per Episode episode reward 0.0 10.0 0.0 10.0 true false PENS "default" 1.0 0 -2674135 true SLIDER 2 44 174 77 num-episodes num-episodes 0 100 100 1 1 NIL BUTTON 65 10 120 43 NIL go NIL 1 T TURTLE T NIL BUTTON 121 10 187 43 Clear Path cd NIL 1 T OBSERVER T NIL SLIDER 2 142 174 175 exploration-% exploration-% 0 0.3 0.0 0.01 1 NIL @#$#@#$#@ WHAT IS IT? ----------- This model implements Q-learning (Watkins 1989) a one-step temporal difference algorithm in the area of reinforcement learning, a branch of artificial intelligence and machine learning. HOW IT WORKS ------------ The agent (ant) moves to a high value patch, receives a reward, and updates the previous patches learned values with the received reward using the following algorithm: Q(s,a) = Q(s,a) + step-size * [reward + discount * max(Q(s’,a’)) – Q(s,a)] The agent keeps moving until it hits a blue patch with a -10pts reward or the goal patch with +10pts reward, which results in a new episode and resetting of the agent to the starting position. HOW TO USE IT ------------- The buttons and sliders control the setup and all the parameters inside the algorithm. The graph provides the average reward on obtained per episode. The step-size parameter is the amount old values are updated towards new values. Discount is the present value worth of future rewards. Exploration-% is the amount moves the agent takes towards a non-optimum patch, which can help the agent explore more of the maze and not get stuck in local optimums. THINGS TO NOTICE ---------------- The average reward in the graph increases over the number of episodes that the agent has trained on, which shows the learning process of the agent. THINGS TO TRY ------------- Experiment with the algorithm parameters such as step-size, discount, and exploration-%. EXTENFDING THE MODEL ------------- Implement different reward schemes allowing more direct and optimal paths, such as -1pts for every move the agent makes forcing the agent to find a more direct approach to the goal square. CREDITS AND REFERENCES ---------------------- Written by Joe Roop (Spring 2006): Graduate Research Assistant Aerospace Systems Design Laboratory (ASDL): Georgia Institute of Technology References: 1. Sutton, R. S., Barto, A .G. (1998) Reinforcement Learning: An Introduction. MIT Press 2. Watkins, C. J. C. H. (1989) Learning from Delayed Rewards. Ph.D. thesis, Cambridge University. @#$#@#$#@ default true 0 Polygon -7500403 true true 150 5 40 250 150 205 260 250 airplane true 0 Polygon -7500403 true true 150 0 135 15 120 60 120 105 15 165 15 195 120 180 135 240 105 270 120 285 150 270 180 285 210 270 165 240 180 180 285 195 285 165 180 105 180 60 165 15 ant 2 true 0 Polygon -7500403 true true 150 19 120 30 120 45 130 66 144 81 127 96 129 113 144 134 136 185 121 195 114 217 120 255 135 270 165 270 180 255 188 218 181 195 165 184 157 134 170 115 173 95 156 81 171 66 181 42 180 30 Polygon -7500403 true true 150 167 159 185 190 182 225 212 255 257 240 212 200 170 154 172 Polygon -7500403 true true 161 167 201 150 237 149 281 182 245 140 202 137 158 154 Polygon -7500403 true true 155 135 185 120 230 105 275 75 233 115 201 124 155 150 Line -7500403 true 120 36 75 45 Line -7500403 true 75 45 90 15 Line -7500403 true 180 35 225 45 Line -7500403 true 225 45 210 15 Polygon -7500403 true true 145 135 115 120 70 105 25 75 67 115 99 124 145 150 Polygon -7500403 true true 139 167 99 150 63 149 19 182 55 140 98 137 142 154 Polygon -7500403 true true 150 167 141 185 110 182 75 212 45 257 60 212 100 170 146 172 arrow true 0 Polygon -7500403 true true 150 0 0 150 105 150 105 293 195 293 195 150 300 150 box false 0 Polygon -7500403 true true 150 285 285 225 285 75 150 135 Polygon -7500403 true true 150 135 15 75 150 15 285 75 Polygon -7500403 true true 15 75 15 225 150 285 150 135 Line -16777216 false 150 285 150 135 Line -16777216 false 150 135 15 75 Line -16777216 false 150 135 285 75 bug true 0 Circle -7500403 true true 96 182 108 Circle -7500403 true true 110 127 80 Circle -7500403 true true 110 75 80 Line -7500403 true 150 100 80 30 Line -7500403 true 150 100 220 30 butterfly true 0 Polygon -7500403 true true 150 165 209 199 225 225 225 255 195 270 165 255 150 240 Polygon -7500403 true true 150 165 89 198 75 225 75 255 105 270 135 255 150 240 Polygon -7500403 true true 139 148 100 105 55 90 25 90 10 105 10 135 25 180 40 195 85 194 139 163 Polygon -7500403 true true 162 150 200 105 245 90 275 90 290 105 290 135 275 180 260 195 215 195 162 165 Polygon -16777216 true false 150 255 135 225 120 150 135 120 150 105 165 120 180 150 165 225 Circle -16777216 true false 135 90 30 Line -16777216 false 150 105 195 60 Line -16777216 false 150 105 105 60 car false 0 Polygon -7500403 true true 300 180 279 164 261 144 240 135 226 132 213 106 203 84 185 63 159 50 135 50 75 60 0 150 0 165 0 225 300 225 300 180 Circle -16777216 true false 180 180 90 Circle -16777216 true false 30 180 90 Polygon -16777216 true false 162 80 132 78 134 135 209 135 194 105 189 96 180 89 Circle -7500403 true true 47 195 58 Circle -7500403 true true 195 195 58 circle false 0 Circle -7500403 true true 0 0 300 circle 2 false 0 Circle -7500403 true true 0 0 300 Circle -16777216 true false 30 30 240 cow false 0 Polygon -7500403 true true 200 193 197 249 179 249 177 196 166 187 140 189 93 191 78 179 72 211 49 209 48 181 37 149 25 120 25 89 45 72 103 84 179 75 198 76 252 64 272 81 293 103 285 121 255 121 242 118 224 167 Polygon -7500403 true true 73 210 86 251 62 249 48 208 Polygon -7500403 true true 25 114 16 195 9 204 23 213 25 200 39 123 cylinder false 0 Circle -7500403 true true 0 0 300 dot false 0 Circle -7500403 true true 90 90 120 face happy false 0 Circle -7500403 true true 8 8 285 Circle -16777216 true false 60 75 60 Circle -16777216 true false 180 75 60 Polygon -16777216 true false 150 255 90 239 62 213 47 191 67 179 90 203 109 218 150 225 192 218 210 203 227 181 251 194 236 217 212 240 face neutral false 0 Circle -7500403 true true 8 7 285 Circle -16777216 true false 60 75 60 Circle -16777216 true false 180 75 60 Rectangle -16777216 true false 60 195 240 225 face sad false 0 Circle -7500403 true true 8 8 285 Circle -16777216 true false 60 75 60 Circle -16777216 true false 180 75 60 Polygon -16777216 true false 150 168 90 184 62 210 47 232 67 244 90 220 109 205 150 198 192 205 210 220 227 242 251 229 236 206 212 183 fish false 0 Polygon -1 true false 44 131 21 87 15 86 0 120 15 150 0 180 13 214 20 212 45 166 Polygon -1 true false 135 195 119 235 95 218 76 210 46 204 60 165 Polygon -1 true false 75 45 83 77 71 103 86 114 166 78 135 60 Polygon -7500403 true true 30 136 151 77 226 81 280 119 292 146 292 160 287 170 270 195 195 210 151 212 30 166 Circle -16777216 true false 215 106 30 flag false 0 Rectangle -7500403 true true 60 15 75 300 Polygon -7500403 true true 90 150 270 90 90 30 Line -7500403 true 75 135 90 135 Line -7500403 true 75 45 90 45 flower false 0 Polygon -10899396 true false 135 120 165 165 180 210 180 240 150 300 165 300 195 240 195 195 165 135 Circle -7500403 true true 85 132 38 Circle -7500403 true true 130 147 38 Circle -7500403 true true 192 85 38 Circle -7500403 true true 85 40 38 Circle -7500403 true true 177 40 38 Circle -7500403 true true 177 132 38 Circle -7500403 true true 70 85 38 Circle -7500403 true true 130 25 38 Circle -7500403 true true 96 51 108 Circle -16777216 true false 113 68 74 Polygon -10899396 true false 189 233 219 188 249 173 279 188 234 218 Polygon -10899396 true false 180 255 150 210 105 210 75 240 135 240 house false 0 Rectangle -7500403 true true 45 120 255 285 Rectangle -16777216 true false 120 210 180 285 Polygon -7500403 true true 15 120 150 15 285 120 Line -16777216 false 30 120 270 120 leaf false 0 Polygon -7500403 true true 150 210 135 195 120 210 60 210 30 195 60 180 60 165 15 135 30 120 15 105 40 104 45 90 60 90 90 105 105 120 120 120 105 60 120 60 135 30 150 15 165 30 180 60 195 60 180 120 195 120 210 105 240 90 255 90 263 104 285 105 270 120 285 135 240 165 240 180 270 195 240 210 180 210 165 195 Polygon -7500403 true true 135 195 135 240 120 255 105 255 105 285 135 285 165 240 165 195 line true 0 Line -7500403 true 150 0 150 300 line half true 0 Line -7500403 true 150 0 150 150 mouse top true 0 Polygon -7500403 true true 144 238 153 255 168 260 196 257 214 241 237 234 248 243 237 260 199 278 154 282 133 276 109 270 90 273 83 283 98 279 120 282 156 293 200 287 235 273 256 254 261 238 252 226 232 221 211 228 194 238 183 246 168 246 163 232 Polygon -7500403 true true 120 78 116 62 127 35 139 16 150 4 160 16 173 33 183 60 180 80 Polygon -7500403 true true 119 75 179 75 195 105 190 166 193 215 165 240 135 240 106 213 110 165 105 105 Polygon -7500403 true true 167 69 184 68 193 64 199 65 202 74 194 82 185 79 171 80 Polygon -7500403 true true 133 69 116 68 107 64 101 65 98 74 106 82 115 79 129 80 Polygon -16777216 true false 163 28 171 32 173 40 169 45 166 47 Polygon -16777216 true false 137 28 129 32 127 40 131 45 134 47 Polygon -16777216 true false 150 6 143 14 156 14 Line -7500403 true 161 17 195 10 Line -7500403 true 160 22 187 20 Line -7500403 true 160 22 201 31 Line -7500403 true 140 22 99 31 Line -7500403 true 140 22 113 20 Line -7500403 true 139 17 105 10 pentagon false 0 Polygon -7500403 true true 150 15 15 120 60 285 240 285 285 120 person false 0 Circle -7500403 true true 110 5 80 Polygon -7500403 true true 105 90 120 195 90 285 105 300 135 300 150 225 165 300 195 300 210 285 180 195 195 90 Rectangle -7500403 true true 127 79 172 94 Polygon -7500403 true true 195 90 240 150 225 180 165 105 Polygon -7500403 true true 105 90 60 150 75 180 135 105 plant false 0 Rectangle -7500403 true true 135 90 165 300 Polygon -7500403 true true 135 255 90 210 45 195 75 255 135 285 Polygon -7500403 true true 165 255 210 210 255 195 225 255 165 285 Polygon -7500403 true true 135 180 90 135 45 120 75 180 135 210 Polygon -7500403 true true 165 180 165 210 225 180 255 120 210 135 Polygon -7500403 true true 135 105 90 60 45 45 75 105 135 135 Polygon -7500403 true true 165 105 165 135 225 105 255 45 210 60 Polygon -7500403 true true 135 90 120 45 150 15 180 45 165 90 square false 0 Rectangle -7500403 true true 30 30 270 270 square 2 false 0 Rectangle -7500403 true true 30 30 270 270 Rectangle -16777216 true false 60 60 240 240 star false 0 Polygon -7500403 true true 151 1 185 108 298 108 207 175 242 282 151 216 59 282 94 175 3 108 116 108 tank true 0 Rectangle -7500403 true true 144 0 159 105 Rectangle -6459832 true false 195 45 255 255 Rectangle -16777216 false false 195 45 255 255 Rectangle -6459832 true false 45 45 105 255 Rectangle -16777216 false false 45 45 105 255 Line -16777216 false 45 75 255 75 Line -16777216 false 45 105 255 105 Line -16777216 false 45 60 255 60 Line -16777216 false 45 240 255 240 Line -16777216 false 45 225 255 225 Line -16777216 false 45 195 255 195 Line -16777216 false 45 150 255 150 Polygon -7500403 true true 90 60 60 90 60 240 120 255 180 255 240 240 240 90 210 60 Rectangle -16777216 false false 135 105 165 120 Polygon -16777216 false false 135 120 105 135 101 181 120 225 149 234 180 225 199 182 195 135 165 120 Polygon -16777216 false false 240 90 210 60 211 246 240 240 Polygon -16777216 false false 60 90 90 60 89 246 60 240 Polygon -16777216 false false 89 247 116 254 183 255 211 246 211 237 89 236 Rectangle -16777216 false false 90 60 210 90 Rectangle -16777216 false false 143 0 158 105 target false 0 Circle -7500403 true true 0 0 300 Circle -16777216 true false 30 30 240 Circle -7500403 true true 60 60 180 Circle -16777216 true false 90 90 120 Circle -7500403 true true 120 120 60 tree false 0 Circle -7500403 true true 118 3 94 Rectangle -6459832 true false 120 195 180 300 Circle -7500403 true true 65 21 108 Circle -7500403 true true 116 41 127 Circle -7500403 true true 45 90 120 Circle -7500403 true true 104 74 152 triangle false 0 Polygon -7500403 true true 150 30 15 255 285 255 triangle 2 false 0 Polygon -7500403 true true 150 30 15 255 285 255 Polygon -16777216 true false 151 99 225 223 75 224 truck false 0 Rectangle -7500403 true true 4 45 195 187 Polygon -7500403 true true 296 193 296 150 259 134 244 104 208 104 207 194 Rectangle -1 true false 195 60 195 105 Polygon -16777216 true false 238 112 252 141 219 141 218 112 Circle -16777216 true false 234 174 42 Rectangle -7500403 true true 181 185 214 194 Circle -16777216 true false 144 174 42 Circle -16777216 true false 24 174 42 Circle -7500403 false true 24 174 42 Circle -7500403 false true 144 174 42 Circle -7500403 false true 234 174 42 turtle true 0 Polygon -10899396 true false 215 204 240 233 246 254 228 266 215 252 193 210 Polygon -10899396 true false 195 90 225 75 245 75 260 89 269 108 261 124 240 105 225 105 210 105 Polygon -10899396 true false 105 90 75 75 55 75 40 89 31 108 39 124 60 105 75 105 90 105 Polygon -10899396 true false 132 85 134 64 107 51 108 17 150 2 192 18 192 52 169 65 172 87 Polygon -10899396 true false 85 204 60 233 54 254 72 266 85 252 107 210 Polygon -7500403 true true 119 75 179 75 209 101 224 135 220 225 175 261 128 261 81 224 74 135 88 99 wheel false 0 Circle -7500403 true true 3 3 294 Circle -16777216 true false 30 30 240 Line -7500403 true 150 285 150 15 Line -7500403 true 15 150 285 150 Circle -7500403 true true 120 120 60 Line -7500403 true 216 40 79 269 Line -7500403 true 40 84 269 221 Line -7500403 true 40 216 269 79 Line -7500403 true 84 40 221 269 x false 0 Polygon -7500403 true true 270 75 225 30 30 225 75 270 Polygon -7500403 true true 30 75 75 30 270 225 225 270 @#$#@#$#@ NetLogo 3.0 @#$#@#$#@ @#$#@#$#@ @#$#@#$#@ @#$#@#$#@