
breed [<breeds> <breed>]

This keyword, like the globals, turtles-own, and patches-own keywords, can only be used at the beginning of the Code tab, before any procedure definitions. It defines a breed. The first input defines the name of the agentset associated with the breed. The second input defines the name of a single member of the breed.

Any turtle of the given breed:

Most often, the agentset is used in conjunction with ask to give commands to only the turtles of a particular breed.

breed [mice mouse]
breed [frogs frog]
to setup
  create-mice 50
  ask mice [ set color white ]
  create-frogs 50
  ask frogs [ set color green ]
  show [breed] of one-of mice    ;; prints mice
  show [breed] of one-of frogs   ;; prints frogs

show mouse 1
;; prints (mouse 1)
show frog 51
;; prints (frog 51)
show turtle 51
;; prints (frog 51)

See also globals, patches-own, turtles-own, <breeds>-own, create-<breeds>, <breeds>-at, <breeds>-here.

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