NetLogo User Community Models(back to the NetLogo User Community Models)
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This program uses a genetic algorithm to evolve an optimal forager. The foraging goal is find the most red pixels.
Agent Behavior: Agents are each given a genome which assigns values to three parameters: 1)off-food turniness 2)on-food turniness and 3)memory depth Agents decide how much to turn by interpolating between on and off food turniness, using their memory. If an agent has just seen food, it will turn according to a tent function with a width equal to two times the value of the gene. The tent function is always centered at the animals present heading. If an agent hasn't seen food in a long time, then it will do the same using its off food turniness gene. Agents use their memory depth gene to determine how quickly they move from on food behavior to off food behavior. Agents with a higher value, will behave as if they are near food for longer than agents with a low memory depth value.
Algorithm Behavior:
Agents are created for each new generation using a combination of better genomes from the last generation. The "evolve" button does the following: set generation (generation + 1) if (generation > generations ) [stop] compete do-best-of-generation-plot grow-landscape mate-recombine mutate rebirth
compete: agents move around and collect resources by bumping into them. do-best-of-generation-plot: plots the best harvest grow-landscape: regrows the landscape to prepare it for the next generation mate-recombine: this procedure only allows the best half of the agents to create offspring. the offspring are the recombined genomes of these genomes. mutate: this goes through genomes and randomly changes genes based on the mutation rate. rebirth: this assigns genomes to new agents.
I'm sure I forgot a few things in explaining this, but that's basically what it does. There are a lot of different assumptions that go into any genetic algorithm; I make different assumptions on different days. There are still a few things I would like to fix but have never had the time to do so. If you'd like to contact me, please do at
Created by Thomas Hills.