NetLogo User Community Models(back to the NetLogo User Community Models)
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CONTOURS and SECTIONS. This model uses the terrain modelling of Netlogo Tutorial 3, (modified), to set up a terrain and then provides for contouring and sectioning. There is a SMOOTHNESS setting for changing the character of the terrain, 10 is rough and 40 is smooth. Press SETUP TERRAIN to begin. The patch elevation monitor is helpful for examining the contoured areas and other features of the terrain.
Contouring is achieved with the help of 'neighbors4' by instructing the patches at the selected elevation to change color. It is limited to three elevations because any more will clutter the display. The contour elevations selected are printed with colour identification in the Command Center window.
Sections are measured by walking a turtle across the terrain and plotting the elevation against distance walked. The MOUSE POINTER and 'x&ycor' monitors are used to select start and finish patches. Press START SECTION then place the POINTER on the start patch, the START SECTION button will remain down for 10 seconds. Then press END SECTION and move the "POINTER" to the finish patch, again 10 seconds are provided to select the patch. The END SECTION button will remain down and the walk will take place, with the button restoring afterwards. The walker and the walk are coloured to match the colour of the plot. A section may be taken through any two patches.
The color of the plot changes with each walk until a new terrain is modelled, when the plot is also cleared; but CLEAR-PLOT may be used to remove unwanted plots after each walk.
The author Derek Rush can be contacted by Email. <> September 2003