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NetLogo User Community Models(back to the NetLogo User Community Models)
This is a model of ant colony foraging behavior, based on the behavior and foraging ecology of harvester ants (genus Pogonomyrmex). This behavior is an example of a system where the simple behaviors of individuals (the ants) result in the emergent behavior of the complex system that is the ant colony. In particular, this model focuses on two strategies for information use and sharing:
- Pheromone recruitment, where ants leave trails from food sources back to the nest, which other ants can follow to find sites where other ants have found food previously. This allows ants to share information about where food has been found, and where there may be more food.
This model demonstrates how ant colony behavior can be more effective as a whole unit than as individual ants. The user is able to control the ants on the left side of the simulation, by adjusting sliders that control aspects of the ants' behavior, and see a real-time comparison to optimized ant behavior on the right side.
The ants in the simulation follow four distinct behaviors.
- Initial expansion: At the beginning of the simulation, all ants start at the nest, and move away from the nest to cover ground and distribute themselves around their territory before beginning to search. (Distance_to_walk slider)
The right side of the simulation is optimized using a genetic algorithm. Genetic algorithms are an optimization scheme inspired by natural selection. The behavior of the ants in this simulation is controlled by the selection of various parameters (such as a parameter that determines how much ants turn as they search for food, or how fast pheromone trails evaporate from the grid) and the effectiveness of the ant behaviors at collecting food depends on these parameter values. The genetic algorithm creates a random population of parameter sets, and tests each of these parameter sets for their ability to collect food quickly by running the model with each set of parameters. It selects successful parameter sets, recombines them with other sets, and introduces occasional random mutation into each parameter. It repeats this process over many generations until it converges on an optimal parameter set.
In the simulation, the ant colony on the right side of the grid is controlled by the parameters selected by the genetic algorithm. The colony on the left side is controlled by the user, via sliders that set the values for the parameters that determine the ants' behaviors. Can you find parameter combinations that beat the genetic algorithm? One approach may be to continulously tune parameters as the model runs to adjust the ants' behaviors to the food available on the grid over time. This may allow more efficient food collection because the genetic algorithm cannot change its parameters from moment to moment. It will be a greater challenge to find a single set of parameters that beat the genetic algorithm in the long term.
The simulation window is split into two halves. The right half is controlled by an optimized parameter set, and the left half is controlled by the user via the sliders. There are 7 sliders that alter behavior and 5 sliders that can change the initial setup.
The behavior sliders:
- Initial_expansion determines how far ants travel from the nest at the beginning of each simulation. This parameter determines the probability each tick that a traveling ant will stop traveling and begin to search. With larger values, ants tend to begin searching closer to the nest; with smaller values, ants tend to begin searching farther away.
The setup sliders influence: Colony size (ant_number) and food quantity (large_piles, low_density_piles, medium_piles, random_food)
The simulation provides real time feedback through the graphs at the bottom of the screen and the boxes at the bottom of the runtime windows. The monitors give real time information about how much food has been collected on each side of the simulation. The graphs show how much of each food type is remaining. These graphs may be turned off to increase runtime speed.
Can you beat the ideal colony?
If you can beat the computer with a set of parameters on a standard 50 ant colony, try to scale it up! Experiment with 10- or 100- ant colonies and see if they behave as effectivey if there are more or fewer ants. In addition to adding or subtracting ants, you can see how to optimize the collection behavior if there is more or less food. Is it easier to find new parameters that beat the genetic algorithm for colonies of different sizes or different food distributions? Why might this be?
Netlogo has numerous data exportation features and graphing capabilities. These are utilized in this model through the plots at the bottom of the screen. Additionally, the program can be made to export comprehensive data on each run to a word doument which can then be analyzed in Excel or Matlab.
More information about the model and the ants upon which the model is
T.P. Flanagan, K. Letendre, W.R. Burnside, G.M. Fricke and M.E. Moses.
T.P. Flanagan, K. Letendre, W.R. Burnside, G.M. Fricke and M.E. Moses.
Original simulation URL: https://sites.google.com/site/unmantbot/?pli=1 |
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