
scale-scheme scheme-type scheme-color number-of-classes number range1 range2

Reports an rgb color proportional to number using a the color brewer schemes. It takes six argumenents the first three arguments define the ColorBrewer legend. Fir the user should select a scheme-type wich can be "Sequential", "Divergent, Qualitative". Then it should select a variaty of scheme-colors wich depending on the scheme-color can have names such as "Reds", "Divergent", "Set1". Finally the user should select the number of classes with a minimum of 3 and a maximum between 9 and 11. For more information go to or consult the scheme-dialog primitive.

If range1 is less than range2, the color will be directly mapped to scheme colors. While, if range2 is less than range1, the color scheme selection is inverted.

If number is less than range1, then the first color of the resulting ColorBrewer legend is chosen.

If number is grater than range2, then the last color of the resulting ColorBrewer legend is chosen.

ask patches 
  set pcolor palette:scale-scheme [[255 0 0] [0 0 255]] pxcor min-pxcor max-pxcor

;; colors each patch with a color from the Color Brewer Schemes  

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