

object Syntax extends Serializable

Linear Supertypes
Serializable, Serializable, AnyRef, Any
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By inheritance
  1. Hide All
  2. Show all
  1. Syntax
  2. Serializable
  3. Serializable
  4. AnyRef
  5. Any
  1. Public
  2. All

Value Members

  1. final def !=(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean

    Definition Classes
  2. final def !=(arg0: Any): Boolean

    Definition Classes
  3. final def ##(): Int

    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  4. final def ==(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean

    Definition Classes
  5. final def ==(arg0: Any): Boolean

    Definition Classes
  6. val AgentType: Int

    Type constant for set of agents.

    Type constant for set of agents. AgentType = TurtleType | PatchType | LinkType.

  7. val AgentsetType: Int

    Type constant for set of agents.

    Type constant for set of agents. AgentsetType = TurtlesetType | PatchsetType | LinksetType.

  8. val BooleanBlockType: Int

    Type constant for boolean reporter blocks *

  9. val BooleanType: Int

    Type constant for boolean.

    Type constant for boolean. *

  10. val BracketedType: Int

  11. val CommandBlockType: Int

    Type constant for command blocks *

  12. val CommandPrecedence: Int

  13. val CommandTaskType: Int

    Type constant for command tasks.

    Type constant for command tasks. *

  14. val LinkType: Int

    Type constant for links.

    Type constant for links. *

  15. val LinksetType: Int

    Type constant for agentset of links.

    Type constant for agentset of links. *

  16. val ListType: Int

    Type constant for list.

    Type constant for list. *

  17. val NobodyType: Int

    Type constant for nobody.

    Type constant for nobody. *

  18. val NormalPrecedence: Int

  19. val NumberBlockType: Int

    Type constant for number reporter blocks *

  20. val NumberType: Int

    Type constant for number (integer or floating point).

  21. val OptionalType: Int

    Type constant for optional arguments.

    Type constant for optional arguments. At present, OptionalType is implemented only in combination with CommandBlockType as the last argument - ST 5/25/06

  22. val OtherBlockType: Int

    Type constant for non-boolean, non-number reporter blocks *

  23. val PatchType: Int

    Type constant for patches.

    Type constant for patches. *

  24. val PatchsetType: Int

    Type constant for agentset of patches.

    Type constant for agentset of patches. *

  25. val ReadableType: Int

    Type constant for readables.

    Type constant for readables. ReadableType = NumberType | BooleanType | StringType | ListType | NobodyType

  26. val ReferenceType: Int

  27. val RepeatableType: Int

    Type constant to indicate that an input is variadic it should be used with another type desgination, for example: NumberType | RepeatableType indicates that this input is a number and is variadic

  28. val ReporterBlockType: Int

    Type constant for reporter blocks ReporterBlockType = BooleanBlockType | NumberBlockType | OtherBlockType

  29. val ReporterTaskType: Int

    Type constant for reporter tasks.

    Type constant for reporter tasks. *

  30. val StringType: Int

    Type constant for string.

    Type constant for string. *

  31. val TurtleType: Int

    Type constant for turtles.

    Type constant for turtles. *

  32. val TurtlesetType: Int

    Type constant for agentset of turtles.

    Type constant for agentset of turtles. *

  33. val VoidType: Int

    Unsupported. Do not use.

  34. val WildcardType: Int

    Type constant for wildcard (any input) WildcardType = NumberType | BooleanType | StringType | ListType | AgentType | AgentsetType | NobodyType this type is also used to identify extension types

  35. final def asInstanceOf[T0]: T0

    Definition Classes
  36. def clone(): AnyRef

    Definition Classes
  37. def commandSyntax(right: Array[Int], dfault: Int, agentClassString: String, blockAgentClassString: String, switches: Boolean): Syntax

  38. def commandSyntax(right: Array[Int], agentClassString: String, blockAgentClassString: String, switches: Boolean): Syntax

  39. def commandSyntax(right: Array[Int], agentClassString: String, switches: Boolean): Syntax

  40. def commandSyntax(right: Array[Int], agentClassString: String): Syntax

  41. def commandSyntax(right: Array[Int], switches: Boolean): Syntax

  42. def commandSyntax(agentClassString: String, switches: Boolean): Syntax

  43. def commandSyntax(switches: Boolean): Syntax

  44. def commandSyntax(right: Array[Int], dfault: Int): Syntax

    Returns a Syntax for commands with a variable number of arguments.

    Returns a Syntax for commands with a variable number of arguments.


    an array of Type flags that are to be to the right of the primitive


    the default number of arguments if no parenthesis are used.

  45. def commandSyntax(right: Array[Int]): Syntax

    Returns a Syntax for commands with one or more right arguments.

    Returns a Syntax for commands with one or more right arguments.


    an array of Type flags that are to be to the right of the Primitive

  46. def commandSyntax(): Syntax

    Returns a Syntax object for commands with no arguments.

  47. def compatible(mask: Int, value: Int): Boolean

  48. def convertOldStyleAgentClassString(oldStyle: String): String

  49. final def eq(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean

    Definition Classes
  50. def equals(arg0: Any): Boolean

    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  51. def finalize(): Unit

    Definition Classes
  52. final def getClass(): java.lang.Class[_]

    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  53. def getTypeConstant(clazz: Class[_]): Int

  54. def hashCode(): Int

    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  55. final def isInstanceOf[T0]: Boolean

    Definition Classes
  56. final def ne(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean

    Definition Classes
  57. final def notify(): Unit

    Definition Classes
  58. final def notifyAll(): Unit

    Definition Classes
  59. def readResolve(): AnyRef

  60. def reporterSyntax(right: Array[Int], ret: Int, dfault: Int): Syntax

    Returns a Syntax for reporters with a variable number of arguments.

    Returns a Syntax for reporters with a variable number of arguments.


    an array of Type flags that are to the be right of the primitive


    the return type


    the default number of arguments if no parenthesis are used.

  61. def reporterSyntax(right: Array[Int], ret: Int): Syntax

    Returns a Syntax for reporters with one or more right arguments

    Returns a Syntax for reporters with one or more right arguments


    an array of Type flags that are to the be right of the Primitive


    the return type

  62. def reporterSyntax(left: Int, right: Array[Int], ret: Int, precedence: Int): Syntax

    Returns a Syntax for reporters with infix arguments.

    Returns a Syntax for reporters with infix arguments.


    the return type


  63. def reporterSyntax(ret: Int): Syntax

    Returns a Syntax for reporters with no arguments

    Returns a Syntax for reporters with no arguments


    the return type

  64. def reporterSyntax(left: Int, right: Array[Int], ret: Int, precedence: Int, dfault: Int, isRightAssociative: Boolean, agentClassString: String, blockAgentClassString: String): Syntax

  65. def reporterSyntax(left: Int, right: Array[Int], ret: Int, precedence: Int, isRightAssociative: Boolean, agentClassString: String, blockAgentClassString: String): Syntax

  66. def reporterSyntax(right: Array[Int], ret: Int, dfault: Int, minimum: Int): Syntax

  67. def reporterSyntax(right: Array[Int], ret: Int, agentClassString: String): Syntax

  68. def reporterSyntax(right: Array[Int], ret: Int, agentClassString: String, blockAgentClassString: String): Syntax

  69. def reporterSyntax(left: Int, right: Array[Int], ret: Int, precedence: Int, isRightAssociative: Boolean): Syntax

  70. def reporterSyntax(ret: Int, agentClassString: String): Syntax

  71. final def synchronized[T0](arg0: ⇒ T0): T0

    Definition Classes
  72. def toString(): String

    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  73. final def wait(): Unit

    Definition Classes
  74. final def wait(arg0: Long, arg1: Int): Unit

    Definition Classes
  75. final def wait(arg0: Long): Unit

    Definition Classes

Inherited from Serializable

Inherited from Serializable

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any