internal use only
Runs NetLogo commands and waits for them to complete.
Runs NetLogo commands and waits for them to complete.
This method must not be called from the AWT event queue thread or while that thread is blocked. It is an error to do so.
The command or commands to run
if the code fails to compile
IllegalStateExceptionif called from the AWT event queue thread
Runs NetLogo commands in the background.
Runs NetLogo commands in the background. Returns immediately, without waiting for the commands to finish.
This method may be called from any thread.
The command or commands to run
if the code fails to compile
internal use only
internal use only
internal use only
internal use only
Returns the contents of the Code tab.
Returns the contents of the Code tab.
contents of Code tab
internal use only
internal use only
The NetLogoListenerManager stored in this field can be used to add and remove NetLogoListeners, so the embedding environment can receive notifications of events happening within NetLogo.
The NetLogoListenerManager stored in this field can be used to add and remove NetLogoListeners, so the embedding environment can receive notifications of events happening within NetLogo. Relevant methods on NetLogoListenerManager are addListener(), removeListener(), and clearListeners(). The first two take a NetLogoListener as input.
Opens a model stored in a string.
Opens a model stored in a string.
Model name (will appear in the main window's title bar)
The complete model, including widgets and so forth, in the same format as it would be stored in a file.
Runs a NetLogo reporter.
Runs a NetLogo reporter.
This method must not be called from the AWT event queue thread or while that thread is blocked. It is an error to do so.
The reporter to run
the result reported; may be of type java.lang.Integer, java.lang.Double,
java.lang.Boolean, java.lang.String, org.nlogo.api.LogoList
, AgentSet, or Nobody
if the code fails to compile
IllegalStateExceptionif called from the AWT event queue thread
AppletPanel passes the focus request to the InterfacePanel
AppletPanel passes the focus request to the InterfacePanel
internal use only
sets the current working directory
sets the current working directory
the directory as
Replaces the contents of the Code tab.
Replaces the contents of the Code tab. Does not recompile the model.
new contents
(Since version ) see corresponding Javadoc for more information.
(Since version ) see corresponding Javadoc for more information.
(Since version ) see corresponding Javadoc for more information.
(Since version ) see corresponding Javadoc for more information.
(Since version ) see corresponding Javadoc for more information.
(Since version ) see corresponding Javadoc for more information.
(Since version ) see corresponding Javadoc for more information.
(Since version ) see corresponding Javadoc for more information.
(Since version ) see corresponding Javadoc for more information.
(Since version ) see corresponding Javadoc for more information.
(Since version ) see corresponding Javadoc for more information.
(Since version ) see corresponding Javadoc for more information.
(Since version ) see corresponding Javadoc for more information.
(Since version ) see corresponding Javadoc for more information.
(Since version ) see corresponding Javadoc for more information.
(Since version ) see corresponding Javadoc for more information.
(Since version ) see corresponding Javadoc for more information.
(Since version ) see corresponding Javadoc for more information.
(Since version ) see corresponding Javadoc for more information.
(Since version ) see corresponding Javadoc for more information.
(Since version ) see corresponding Javadoc for more information.
(Since version ) see corresponding Javadoc for more information.
(Since version ) see corresponding Javadoc for more information.
(Since version ) see corresponding Javadoc for more information.
(Since version ) see corresponding Javadoc for more information.
(Since version ) see corresponding Javadoc for more information.
(Since version ) see corresponding Javadoc for more information.
(Since version ) see corresponding Javadoc for more information.
(Since version ) see corresponding Javadoc for more information.
(Since version ) see corresponding Javadoc for more information.
(Since version ) see corresponding Javadoc for more information.
(Since version ) see corresponding Javadoc for more information.
(Since version ) see corresponding Javadoc for more information.
(Since version ) see corresponding Javadoc for more information.
(Since version ) see corresponding Javadoc for more information.
(Since version ) see corresponding Javadoc for more information.
(Since version ) see corresponding Javadoc for more information.
(Since version ) see corresponding Javadoc for more information.
(Since version ) see corresponding Javadoc for more information.
(Since version ) see corresponding Javadoc for more information.
(Since version ) see corresponding Javadoc for more information.
The superclass of org.nlogo.lite.InterfaceComponent. Also used by org.nlogo.lite.Applet.
See the "Controlling" section of the NetLogo User Manual for example code.