
histogram list

Histograms the values in the given list

Draws a histogram showing the frequency distribution of the values in the list. The heights of the bars in the histogram represent the numbers of values in each subrange.

Before the histogram is drawn, first any previous points drawn by the current plot pen are removed.

Any non-numeric values in the list are ignored.

The histogram is drawn on the current plot using the current plot pen and pen color. Auto scaling does not affect a histogram's horizontal range, so set-plot-x-range should be used to control the range, and the pen interval can then be set (either directly with set-plot-pen-interval, or indirectly via set-histogram-num-bars) to control how many bars that range is split up into.

Be sure that if you want the histogram drawn with bars that the current pen is in bar mode (mode 1).

For histogramming purposes the plot's X range is not considered to include the maximum X value. Values equal to the maximum X will fall outside of the histogram's range.

histogram [color] of turtles
;; draws a histogram showing how many turtles there are
;; of each color

This command will produce a runtime error if either the current plot or the current pen has not been set.

See also set-histogram-num-bars, set-plot-pen-interval, set-plot-x-range.

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