Contacting Us

NetLogo 6.4.0-beta1 User Manual

Feedback from users is essential to us in designing and improving NetLogo. We’d like to hear from you.

Web site

Our web site at includes our mailing address and phone number. It also has information about our staff and our various research activities.

Feedback, questions, etc.

For help using NetLogo, try this group:

If you have feedback, suggestions, or questions, you may write us at

Reporting bugs

Our public bug tracker is on GitHub at You can look here to report a new bug, check if a bug has already been reported, and so on.

When submitting a bug report, please try to include as much of the following information as possible:

We also accept bug reports by email at

Open source

NetLogo is free, open source software. The source code is hosted at Contributions from interested users are welcome.

For discussion of NetLogo API’s and the development of NetLogo itself, try