

max reports the maximum value in a given list. For example, show max [14 -2 7] would report 14. max is commonly used to find a specific agent within an agentset. For example, if we wanted to create a model of cell division and have the largest cell to divide in half at each tick, we would write the following code:

ask cells [
    if size = max [size] of cells [
        set size (size / 2)
        hatch 1

In the model example below, we have some people who represent an absurdly simple economy. At each tick, a randomly picked turtle executes a trade by picking another turtle randomly and giving that turtle 5 of its money. This exchange is represented with a temporary link between the two turtles. We use max to change the richest turtle's color to blue. We also use min to change the poorest turtle's color to red.


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Published NetLogo models that use the max primitive:
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