

sort-on allows us to sort the agents in an agentset based on a reporter such as an agent characteristic (e.g.,size, xcor) or custom agent variable (e.g., age, speed). Its syntax is: sort-on [ variable-or-reporter ] agentset. For example, if we wanted to create a model of earthquake search-and-rescue in which the rescuers checked the largest buildings first, we would write the following code:

let buildings-sorted sort-on [size] buildings
ask rescuers [
    move-to last buildings-sorted

Things to keep in mind when using sort-on:


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Published NetLogo models that use the sort-on primitive:
Similar primitives:

Reports a sorted version of a provided list based on a user-defined comparison.

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Counts the number of agents in an agentset.

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Reports the average of a provided list of numerical values.

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Asks agents to do things.

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