package app
- Alphabetic
- Public
- All
Type Members
- class AboutWindow extends JDialog
- abstract class AbstractTabsPanel extends JTabbedPane
- class App extends LinkChild with Handler with Handler with Handler with Handler with Handler with Handler with ModelSections with Handler with Handler with Handler with Handler with Controllable
- class AppControlSet extends ControlSet
- class AppFrame extends JFrame with LinkParent with LinkRoot
- class AppTabManager extends AnyRef
- class CodeTabContainer extends JFrame with LinkChild
- class CodeTabsPanel extends AbstractTabsPanel with ChangeListener with Handler with LinkParent with LinkRoot
- class ConvertIncludeFile extends AnyRef
- class DirtyMonitor extends Handler with Handler with Handler with Handler with Handler with Handler with Handler with Handler with Controller
- class EditMenu extends Menu
- class ExtensionAssistant extends Handler
FileManager extends Handler with Handler
This class manages a number of file operations.
This class manages a number of file operations. Much of the code in here used to live in fileMenu, but it's obviously undesirable to couple the behavior in this class too closely to its presentation (the menu)
- class FileMenu extends Menu
- class HelpMenu extends Menu
- class LocalBrowseAction extends AbstractAction with MenuAction
- class MenuBar extends JMenuBar with EditorMenu with Menu
- case class ModelEntry(path: String, modelType: ModelType) extends Product with Serializable
- class ModelSaver extends AnyRef
- class OpenColorDialog extends ShowDialogAction with MenuAction
- class OpenHubNetClientEditor extends AbstractAction with MenuAction
- class OpenLibrariesDialog extends ShowDialogAction with MenuAction
- class OpenRecentFileAction extends AbstractAction with MenuAction
- class RecentFiles extends AnyRef
- class RecentFilesMenu extends Handler with Handler
- class RemoteBrowseAction extends AbstractAction with MenuAction
- class ShowAboutWindow extends AbstractAction with MenuAction
- abstract class ShowDialogAction extends AbstractAction
- class ShowPreferencesDialog extends ShowDialogAction with MenuAction
- class ShowShapeManager extends AbstractAction with MenuAction
- class ShowSystemDynamicsModeler extends AbstractAction with MenuAction
- class Tabs extends AbstractTabsPanel with TabsInterface with ChangeListener with LinkParent with LinkRoot with Handler with Handler with Handler with Handler with Handler with Handler
- class TabsMenu extends Menu
- class ToolsMenu extends Menu with Menu
- class ZoomMenu extends Menu
Value Members
- object Adapters
The main class for the complete NetLogo application.
The main class for the complete NetLogo application.
All methods in this class, including the constructor, must be called from the AWT event queue thread, unless otherwise specified.
See the "Controlling" section of the NetLogo User Manual for example code.
- object CodeTabContainer extends Serializable
- object DirtyMonitor
- object EditMenu extends Serializable
- object FileManager
- object FileMenu extends Serializable
- object HelpActions
- object HelpMenu extends Serializable
- object OfferSaveExternalsDialog
- object OpenRecentFileAction extends Serializable
Loads plugins.
Loads plugins. Plugins are instantiated using PicoContainer so that arbitrary constructor parameters can be injected. (Currently a plugin is always an extra tab, but we plan to generalize so e.g. BehaviorSpace will be a plugin too, maybe HubNet, etc.) - ST 6/8/11
- object Splash
- object StartupError
- object TabsMenu extends Serializable
- object ToolsMenu extends Serializable