is a special NetLogo keyword that allows us to define characteristics that belong exclusively to the patches in a model. These characteristics are variables that have a unique value for each individual patch. patches-own
is helpful in modeling environmental variables. For example, if we wanted to create a model of pollution where a factory would pollute the patches immediately near them:
patches-own [pollution]
create-turtles 1 [
set shape "factory"
ask patches in-radius 3 [
set pollution 100
Things to keep in mind when using patches-own
such as patches-own [water nutrients heavy-metals altitude]
by separating each variable with a space.ask turtles [set pollution 100]
does the same thing as ask turtles [ ask patch-here [set pollution 100] ]
.In the model example below, we are modeling a garden with flowers. We define a nutrients characteristic for our patches and assign each patch a random number of nutrients between 0 and 10. We also change each patch's pcolor
according to its nutrient level so that a darker patch indicates higher nutrient levels. Finally, we sprout a flower on each patch. Initially, each flower has the same size but when the go button is clicked, each flower grows according to the nutrition level of their patch.
Once you mastered the patches-own
primitive, don't stop there. Check out the resources below to improve your NetLogo skills.
Declare a variable that belongs to turtles.