

round is a mathematics primitive that reports the closest integer to a given number. For example, round 5.2 would report 5, and round -4.8 would report -5.

In the model example below, we have a farmer and a farm. Each patch of our model represents a patch of ground. Each patch has a different nutrition value that we assign with the random-float primitive and we show each patch's nutrition as its plabel. However, we do not show the nutrition value as is because it would have many decimal numbers (e.g., 2.3936518), which would make it impossible to read. Instead, we round the number that we show in the interface. In addition, we use round for our farmer to decide which plant to plant on a specific patch. If a patch's nutrition is too low, our farmer does not plan anything. If a patch's nutrition is approximately 3, our farmer plants a plain plant. If a patch's nutrition is approximately 4, our farmer plants a budding flower. If a patch's nutrition is approximately 5, our farmer plants a flower.


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Published NetLogo models that use the round primitive:
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