University, secondary, and online courses that utilize NetLogo
Adams Central Middle School
PLTW course in Computer Science and Software Engineering with instructor Jonathon Patterson
Advanced Institute of Industrial Technology (Tokyo, Japan)
Advanced Artificial Intelligence Design, System with instructor Hisashi Hayashi
Agnes Scott College
Bridge to Business with instructor Thomas Will
Amador Valley High School
Computer Science Principles
American University
Growing Artificial Societies (Econ 450/650) with instructor Alan Isaac
Game Changers: Models, Concepts and Theories to Rethink the World (SIS 106) with instructor Matthew Taylor
Amherst College
Math 14 Mathematical Modeling with instructor Tanya Leise
Aptos Junior High School
8th Grade Science with instructor Emilie Cassar
Australian School of Business
Simulation in the Social Sciences
The Austrian Research Institute for Artificial Intelligence
Introduction to AI (VO 501.054/UE 501.096) with instructor Paolo Petta
Autonomous National University of Mexico (UNAM)
Primera escuela de verano de modelación para la sostenibilidad (First summer school of modeling in sustainability) developed by the Ecology Institute
Arizona State University
Agent-Based Modeling with instructor Marco Janssen
Agent-Based Modeling for Sustainability (SOS 591) with instructor Marco Janssen
Biological Design II (BDE 702) with instructor Antonio Garcia
Foundation Simulation Modeling (EGR 382/SMC 521) with instructor Jennifer Bekki
Public Policy Analysis (PAF 471) with instructor Spiro Maroulis
Introduction to Applied Mathematics for the Life and Social Sciences (AML 100 / SOS 101) with instructor Rachata Muneepeerakul
Seminar on Modeling Complex Systems with NetLogo with instructors Michael Barton , Jacopo Baggio , Ted Pavlic , and Joshua Watts
Social Simulation with instructors Jacopo Baggio and Marco Janssen
Earth Systems Engineering & Management (CEE 400) with instructor Thomas Roberts
Ball High School
PLTW course in Computer Science and Software Engineering with instructor Wes Foshee
Bangor University (United Kingdom)
Intro to Agent Oriented System (ICP-1025) with instructor William J. Teahan
Computer Systems MSc
Bard College
Introduction to Computing: Simulating Reality (CMSC 115) with instructor Sven Anderson
Bayside Tech Academy
STEM classes with instructor Ed Loeswick
Belmont University
Modeling & Simulation (MTH/CSC 4170) with instructor Andrew Miller
Bemidji State University
Geometry and Technology in the Middle School Classroom (M3066/5066) with instructor Glen Richgels
Bethel College
Computers in the Sciences (IDS233) with instructor Dwight Krehbiel
Bethel College
Agent Based Policy Modeling (Economics 670) with instructor Andreas Pape
Bioscience High School (Phoenix)
Physics, Math, and Engineering classes with instructor Susan B. Wilson
Binghampton University
Agent Based Policy Modeling (ECON509D) with instructor Andreas Pape
Bordeaux University
Modelisation des systemes complexes et environnement with instructor Murat Yildizoglu
Modélisation et simulation économique with instructor Murat Yildizoglu
Bonn-Rhein-Sieg University
Biologically-inspired Multiagent Systems with instructors Wolfgang Heiden and Gerhard Kraetzschmar
Bournemouth University (UK)
Agent Based Modelling (ABM) (Short Course)
Braymer C-4 High School
PLTW AP Computer Science with instructor Charlotte Edmonston
Bridgewater College
Animal Behavior (Biology 440) with instructor Kimberly Bolyard
Brigham Young University, Hawaii
Special Topics in Political Science (POSC 390R) with instructor Troy Smith
Bronzeville High School
IB Biology with instructor Les Nagy
Brooklyn College
Introduction to Multimedia Computing (CISC 1600) with instructor Matthew K. Meyer
Introduction to Multimedia Computing (CISC 1600) with instructor Michael Mandel
Broward County Public Schools
10th grade EOC Biology with instructor Jo A. Combs
Buhach Colony High School
ComSci #0417 with instructor Jorge Sanchez Alejandre
California Polytechnic State University (Cal Poly)
Earth Science (Physical Science 103) with instructor Aleksandra Wydzga
California State University, Long Beach
Sociology 335 -- Social Psychology with instructor Jeffrey Davis
Complexity and Emergence (Math 309) with instructor Scott Crass
California State University, Sacramento
Modeling and Simulatin (CS 4635) with instructor Russ Abbott
California State University, Los Angeles
Biology 188 -- Evolution with instructor Kirk Lin
Modeling and Simulation (CS 4635) with instructor Russ Abbott
Canberra Grammar School
Year 12 Chemistry with instructor Anna Hills
Canyon High School
Honors Biology with instructor Dan Davis
Physical Science with instructor Dan Davis
Cardiff University (United Kingdom)
Systems Biology (BI3157) with instructors Joanne Lello, Stan Marée, Veronica Grieneisen, and Jim Murray
Capital Christian School
PLTW Computer Science Principles with intructor Lucie Ossola
Capital University
Computational Science I (CSAC 245) with instructor Paula Federico
Carl Sandburg Middle School
7th grade Life Science (IQWST Activate Learning unit: Where have all the creatures gone?) with instructor Jennifer Heilman
Carleton College
The Complexity of Politics (POSC 330) with instructor Greg Marfleet
Evolutionary Computation and Artificial Life (5206) with instructor Tony White
Carnegie Mellon University
Modeling Complex Social Systems (88-402) with instructor Russell Golman
Cellular & Systems Modeling (CMU 02-730) (joint course with the University of Pittsburgh) with instructors James Faeder and Christopher Langmead
Computational Modeling of Complex Socio-Technical Systems with instructor Kathleen M. Carley
Carteret High School
Precalculus & Calculus with instructor Jatinder Singh
Case Western Reserve University
Introduction to Information: A Systems and Design Approach (MIDS 301) with instructor Charles McElroy
Castilleja School
Bourn Idea Lab with curriculum coordinator Paulo Blikstein
Catholic Memorial High School
PLTW course in Computer Science and Software Engineering with instructor Rose Hoffmaan
Centennial High School
PLTW Computer Software Engineering with instructor Colin Smith
Central European University
Agent Based Models with instructors Janos Kertesz and Rosario N. Mantegna
Centro Federal de Educação Tecnológica de Minas Gerais - Brasil
Intro to Computer Engineering with instructor Rogerio Martins Gomes
CIDE (Center for Research and Teaching in Economics, Mexico)
Sociomatics: Structure-Behavior (Sociomática: Estructura-Comportamiento) with instructor Gonzalo Castañeda Ramos
Cincinnati Country Day School
Upper School (Grades 9-12) History with instructor Jeremiah McCall
Clarkson University
Systems Biology (BY659/CS659) with instructor James F. Lynch
Clemson University
Mathematical Modeling (MthSc 450) with instructor Matt Macauley
Colorado Mesa University
Mathematical Modeling (MATH 365) with instructor Dr. Ed Bonan-Hamada
Colorado State University
NatSci 696 Group Study: Environmental Modeling with instructors Andrew Warnock and Ashad Prasad
Graduate Research Methods (AREC570 and Econ530) with instructor John Loomis
Ecological and Social Agent-based Modeling (NR 554/ANTH 554 03([2-2-0]) with instructor Randall Boone
Ecology (LIFE 320) with instructor Randall Boone
Columbia University
Agent-Based Modeling with NetLogo: An Introduction (short course) with speaker Gianluca Manzo
Agent-Based Models for Population Health with instructor Melissa Tracy
Beyond Bits and Atoms: Designing Technological Tools For Teaching and Learning (TC MSTU 5197) with instructor Paulo Blikstein
Beyond Bits and Atoms: Designing Technological Tools For Teaching and Learning - Lab (TC MSTU 5199) with instructor Paulo Blikstein
Equity, Ethical and Social Issues in Educational Technology (TC MSTU 4005) with instructor Paulo Blikstein
Concord Academy
Applied Biology: Experimental Biology (BIO302) with instructor John Drew
Concordia University
Political Science 486N/2 AA: Complexity in International Relations with instructor Elizabeth Bloodgood
Crane Middle School
7th/8th grade science (ecology unit) with instructor Caitilin Sheedy
The Cultural Evolution Society
Models of Social Dynamics with instructor Paul Smaldino
Czech Technical University (Prague, Czech Republic)
Artificial Intelligence Fundamentals (BI-ZUM) with instructor Tomas Rehorek
Metody výpočetní inteligence (MI-MVI) with instructor Marcel Jiřina
Dartmouth College
The Science of Anarchy with instructor Seth Frey
David A. Brown Middle School
Middle School Science with instructor Jzaron Mercer
Deming High School
Computer Science (CS108L) with instructor Sandra Almanza
Detroit Catholic Central High School
AP Biology with instructor Jeff Baker
Delft University of Technology
Agent-Based Modeling of Complex Adaptive Systems (Basic) (SPM 9550) with instructor Igor Nikolic
Next Generation Infrastructures with instructors Margot Weijnen and Ernst F. ten Heuvelhof
Agent Based Modeling of complex energy and industrial networks (SPM4530) with instructor I. Nikolic
Agent Based Modelling Simulation in Air Transport (AE4422) with instructor Alexei Sharpans'kykh
Dighton-Rehoboth High School
AP Chemistry with instructor Elizabeth Walsh
Dublin High School
PLTW course in Computer Science and Software and Engineering
Duke University
Computational Political Science with instructor Robi Ragan
East China Normal University
Eastern Mediterranean University
Multiagent Systems (CMPE539) with instructor Dr. Adnan Acan
Eastern Washington University
Business Simulations (DSCI 448) with instructor Steve Shervais
École Polytechnique de Montréal
Production et logistique distribuées with instructor Alexandre Labelle.
Ecosur (El Colegio de la Frontera Sur)
Sistemas Complejos Socio-Ambientales with instructor Luis García Barrios.
Edison Computech Middle School
Science 8 with Instructor Janet Hubner
Eindhoven University of Technology
Process Modelling and Information Management with instructor A.J. Jessurun
Elmhurst College
Age of Social Networks (FYS-100-27) with instructor James Kulich
Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University
Mathematical Modeling and Simulation (MA360) with instructors Hong Liu and Matt Ikle
Emory University
Infectious Disease Dynamics (EPI 590R) with instructor Andreas Handel
Epidemiology and Dynamics of STD and HIV Transmission (EPI 550) with instructor Anne Spaulding
Strategic Modeling and Social Dynamics (BUS 354) with instructor Michael Prietula
Endeavor Middle School (an Achievement First school)
5th grade science with instructor Sarah McDonald
ETH (Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule) Zürich
Computational Models of Social Systems with instructor Lars-Erik Cederman
Eureka High School
Biology I & Biology II with instructor Michelle Monk
Evanston Township High School
AP Computer Science Principles with instructor Gary Haller
Farmington R-7 Public Schools
PLTW course in Computer Science and Software Engineering with instructor Eric Johnson
Federal University of Vicosa
(ERU792) Special Topics in Modelling and Simulation of Socioeconomic Systems with instructor Roberto Max Protil
Fenestra St Jörgen (Gothenborg, Sweden)
Technology, grade 7-9 with instructor Finn Landegren
Flagstaff Junior Academy
Social Networking with instructor Britton Shepardson
Florida State University
GIS 5306 Environmental Change Modeling with instructor Tingting Zhao
GIS 5106 Advanced GIScience with instructor David Folch
Forest City Regional High School
PLTW courses in Computer Science and Software Engineering with instructor Jeffrey S. Earle
Franklin Learning Center (School District of Philadelphia)
Biology with instructor Richard Stark
Franklin University (Switzerland)
Introduction to Biology: Genetics, Evolution, and Ecology (BIO 101)
Fresno Pacific University
Microbiology (BIOL 340L) with instructor David Alan Thompson
Furman University
Virtual Worlds (CSC-105-02) with instructor Dr. Philippe Giabbanelli
Gateway High School
Computer Science Principles (PLTW) with instructor Andrew Woods
Geneva Community School
PLTW Computer Science (CCSE) with instructor Rob Showalter
Georg-August-Universität Göttingen
Ecological Modelling with instructors Katrin Meyer and Kerstin Wiegand
George Fox University
Numerical Methods (MATH 300) with instructor Corban Harwood
George Mason University
Global and International Public Policy with instructor Hilton Root
Introduction to NetLogo (CSS 899-001) with instructor Andrew Crooks
GCH 772 - Social Epidemiology with instructor Cara Frankenfeld
Spatial Agent-based Models of Human-Environment Interactions (CSS 645) with instructor Andrew Crooks
Spatial Agent-based Models of Human-Environment Interactions (GGS 631) with instructor Andrew Crooks
CDS 205- Intro to Agent Based Modeling and Simulation with instructor Robert Axtell
George Washington University
DNSC 6290 (Section 11) Social Network Analytics with instructor Shivraj Kanungo
PHYS 6810 Big Data Analytics with instructor Neil Johnson
Georgetown University
Mathematical Modeling (MAT343-A) with instructor William Harris
Social Network Analysis II (CCTP 717) with instructor Nicole Fernandez
Georgia Institute of Technology
Integrative Core 3: Problem Solving with Computational Models with instructor Eberhard Voit
Georgia State University
Modeling and Simulation Theory and Application (CSC 8840) with instructor Xiaolin Hu
Georgia Tech
Modeling, Simulation, and Military Gaming (INTA 4803, 6742, CS 4343, CSE 6742) with instructors Michael D. Salomone and Mariel Borowitz
Computational Data Analysis: Learning, Mining, and Computation (CSE 6740) with instructor Le Song
Golden View Elementary School
Imagineering (Grades 4-8) with instructor Monica Ehlers
Gonzaga University
Computational Modeling (CPSC 212) with instructor Kathie Yerion
Gonzales High School
Computer Science and Software Engineering (PLTW) with instructor Wendy Fernandez
Grace College and Seminary
General Ecology (ENV 2110 C) with instructor Nathan Bosch
Granada High School
General biology class with instructor Regina Brinker
Grandview C-4 Schools
PLTW course in Computer Science and Software Engineering with instructor Clark Vance
The Grauer School
Environmental Science with instructor Sophia Oller
Green Mountain College
Advanced Quantitative Environmental Analysis (ELA 2105) with instructor Kenneth Mulder
Greenhill School
Vector Calculus and Differential Equations with instructor Barbara Currier
Griffith University
Multiagent Systems (3421ICT) with instructor Alan Liew
The Groton School
Ecology and Advanced Ecology with instructor David Black
Guangya International High School
AP Macroeconomics (T21) with instructor Richard Derbyshire
Guilford College
Biology 112: Integrative Biology: Organisms, Ecology, and Evolution with instructor William Mackin
Gulliver Schools
PLTW courses in Computer Science and Software Engineering with instructor Dean Morell
Gull Lake High School
PLTW course in Computer Science Software Engineering (1102A & 1102B) for grades 9-12 with instructor Brad Lange
Harvard University
Bio-inspired Distributed and Multi-Agent Systems (CS 266) with instructor Radhika Nagpal
Economics of Discontinuous Change (ECON 1818) with instructor Richard B. Freeman
EcoMUVE project
Hanoi University of Agriculture of Vietnam
Environmental Modelling for Management TM3061) with instructor Bang Tran
Heinrich-Heine Universität Düsseldorf
Introduction and practical examples of computer simulations with NetLogo (Einführung und praktische Beispiele zu Computersimulationen mit netLogo) with instructor Eckhart Arnold
Helmholtz Center for Environmental Research (UFZ, Leipzig, Germany)
Mechanistic Effect Modelling for Ecological Risk Assessment of Chemicals SETAC Winter School Course
Modeling of ecosystem services and landscape functions with instructor Dagmar Haase
Highland Park High School
Algebra II with instructor Deborah Wilson
Reach for the Stars program with instructor Deborah Wilson
Hiram College
Conservation Biology (BIOL 34400)
Hesperia High School
Environmental Issues (10/11/12 grade science class) with instructor Jon Evans
Hewitt Trussville High School
Pre-AP Biology with instructor Kurt Kristensen
Hobart & William Smith Colleges
Earth System Science (GEO 1442) with instructor Nan Crystal Arens
Hólar University College (Iceland)
From Bloom to Gloom (PhD summer course) (at Technical University of Denmark-DTU)
Hopkinton Middle/High School
PLTW course in Computer Science and Software Engineering with instructor Kate Backman
Houston Community College
Computational Biology for Biology Educators (workshop) with instructors Erin Hodgess , Jeff Krause, Erin McNelis, and Gloria Rendon
Hudson High School
PLTW Course in Computer Science and Software Engineering with instructor Randy Hoitink
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Spatial Modelling of the Human-Environment Systems with professor Dr. Tobia Lakes.
Humboldt State University
Teaching Individual/Agent-based Modeling with instructors Volker Grimm, Steve Railsback, and Steve Lytinen
Hunter College High School
CS9: Computer Science for Freshmen
Huston-Tillotson University
Special Topics in Computational Science (COSC4367) with instructor Carolyn L. Golden
Illinois Institute of Technology
Social Networks (COM 383) with instructor Libby Hemphill
Special Topics: Computational Social Science (SSCI 385) with instructor Yuri Mansury
IIT Gandhinagar
Simulating life: Agent based models in Science and Social Science (summer camp program) with instructor Shivakumar Jolad
IIT Kharagpur
Introduction to Complexity, Santa Fe Institute, with instructors Melanie Mitchell and Craig Daniels
Illinois Agricultural Education
FCAE (Facilitating Coordination in Agricultural Education)
Indian Institute of Science Education and Research (IISER), Pune
Biology practical
Indian Institute of Technology, Madras
Research Methodology with instructor Vipin Veetil
Indiana University
Complex Adaptive Systems with instructor Robert Goldstone
The Black Death (H123) with instructor Kalani Craig
Network Science (INFO-I 368) with instructor Fillipo Menczer
Integrated Marine and Biogeochemistry and Ecosystem Research (IMBER)
ClimECO3 with instructors Jorge Martinez-Rey and Jacopo Baggio
International Institute of Information Technology, Banglore
Multi Agent Systems with instructor Srinath Srinivasa
Iowa State University
Systems Engineering and Analysis (IE/EE/AERE 565) with instructor Caroline Krejci
ISPOR Short Course Program "Agent-Based Modeling for Economic Evaluations"
ClimECO3 with instructors Jagpreet Chhatwal, PhD and Oguzhan Alagoz, PhD
James C. Enochs High School
Forensic/Biotechnology 3 with instructor Dave Menshew
Forensic/Biotechnology 4 (aka, ROP, Research Methods) with instructor Dave Menshew
James Madison University
Environmental Issues in Science and Technology (GISAT 112) with instructors Jennifer Coffman , Joy Ferenbaugh , Mary Handley , Carole Nash , and Larissa Mark
Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya, Amravati
10th Grade Chemistry with instructor Vasant Pawar
Johannes-Gutenberg-University of Mainz (Germany)
Evolution, Ecology and Behaviour of Animals with instructors Florian Menzel, Susanne Foitzik, Joe Colgan, and Romain Libbrecht
Johnson College Prep
History with instructor Josh Taylor
Johns Hopkins University
Systems Thinking in Public Health with instructors David Bishai and Ligia Paina
Jonesboro High School
PLTW courses in Computer Science and Software Engineering with Instructor Andy Hostetler
Kalamazoo College
Introduction to Complex Systems with instructor Péter Érdi
Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz's Institute of Environmental Systems Science
Applied Systems Sciences 1 with instructor Thomas Schmickl
Module Modelling of Biological Systems (649.060) with instructor Thomas Schmickl
Proseminar on Systems Science and Systems Modeling with instructor Loibl Wolfgang
Practice for System Sciences with instructor Manfred Füllsack
Keio University
Simulation Design with instructors Takashi Iba and Tomoki Furukawazono
Kent State University
Interpreting Social Data with instructor Michael Ball
Behavioral Evolution (BSCI 40520) with instructor Peter Lorch
Life on Planet Earth (BSCI 10002) with instructor Peter Lorch
King's College London
Neuroscience and Psychology BSc
Klaipeda University (Lithuania)
Simulation Modeling (Imitacinis modeliavimas) (P000B061) with instructor Vitalijus Denisovas
Kunskapsgymnasiet (Gothenborg, Sweden)
Environmental and energy science (Miljö och energikunskap) with instructor Finn Landegren
Lafayette College
Introduction to Neuroscience (NEUR 210) with instructor Luis Schettino
Laguna Creek High School
Earth Science with instructor Tova Hensley
IB Biology with instructor Tova Hensley
Lake Superior State University
BIOL337: General Ecology
Lawrence University
Game Theory and Applications with instructor Adam Galambos
Lee County High School
PLTW course in Computer Science and Software Engineering with instructor Joy Neace.
Longfellow Middle School
6th Grade Science with instructor Sarah Lichey
Los Alamos Middle School
7th Grade Science SWEEP (Solar Wind Energy Education) Program with instructor Naomi Unger
Loyola Marymount University
Advanced Topics in Probability and Statistics (MATH 560) with instructor Dr. Robert Rovetti
Game Theory and Applications (MATH 560 ) with instructor Dr. Robert Rovetti
Loyola University Chicago
HONR 204D-01H: Science & Society with instructor Dr. Jim Larson
Ludwig Maximilians-Universität München
Models and Simulations II: Signals - Einzelansicht with instructor
Macalester College
Introduction to Artificial Intelligence (Comp 484/Neur 484) with instructor Susan Fox
COMP 480 - Bodies/Minds: AI Robotics with instructor Susan Fox
Maggie L. Walker Governor's School
Advanced Math Modeling with instructor Dickson Benesh
Mahidol University
Ecology (SCBI399) with instructors Dr. Sompoad Srikosamatara , Dr. Ananta Srisuphab , and Dr. Piyanuch Silapachote
Malmö University (Malmö, Sweden)
Distributed Intelligent Systems (DA382A) with instructor Gion Koch Svedberg
Manchester Metropolitan University Business School
Introduction to Agent-Based Modelling seminar with instructor Bruce Edmonds
Maple Ridge Secondary School
Information Technology 09/10 with instructor Ted McCain
Maricopa County High School
AP Computer Science Principles with instructor Mighty Chen
Masaryk University (Czech Republic)
Modelling and Simulation (IV109) with instructor Radek Pelánek
Massachusetts College of Art and Design
Electronic Projects for Artists II with instructor Dana Moser
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
Systems Engineering with instructors Qi Van Eikema Hommes , Pat Hale , and David Erickson
Match Charter Public High School
10th Grade Biology with instructor Bess Thaler
McGill University
INTD497 with instructor Yann le Polain de Waroux
McMaster University
Explorations in Biophysics with instructor Cecile Fradin
McNeil High School
PLTW course in Computer Science and Software Engineering with instructor Dave Effland
Memorial University of Newfoundland (Canada)
Collaborative and Emergent Behavior (Computer Science 2000) with instructors Ed Brown , Antonina Kolokolova , and Todd Wareham
Merrimack College
Artificial Intelligence (CSC 3335) with instructor Lisa Michaud
Mersin University
Simulation Programs (BTS408) with instructor Hurol Aslan
Meru University of Science and Technology
Artificial Intelligence with instructor Abkul Ortto
Mesa State College
Institute for Modeling Complexity with instructor/coordinator Michael Gizzi
Miami Country Day School
High School Chemistry with instructor Jesse Bernstein
Michigan State University
Computation, Complexity and Communication (CAS 892) with instructor Dr. John Sherry
Physical Geography (GEO 206) with instructor N. Moore
Theory and Method of Social Networks (CEP 991B, Seminar) with instructor Ken Frank
Scientific Simulation and Modeling with instructor Bradly Alicea
Middlebury College
Computer Models and Environmental Simulation(CSCI 190) with instructor Matthew Dickerson
Middlesex University London (UK)
Experimental Computer Science (BSc) module with instructor Giuseppe Primiero
Midland University MBA Program
Decision Models with instructor Gina Russell
Midwestern State University
Computational Epidemiology with instructor Tina Johnson
Mississippi State University
Applied Aquatic and Terrestrial Ecology (WFA 3133) with instructor Robbie Kroger
Missouri University of Science and Technology
Advanced Engineering Management Science (EMGT 6413) with instructor Dr. Casey Canfield
Monte del Sol Charter School
Chemistry with instructor Rhonda Martinez
New Mexico Computer Science For All
Monash University
Integrated Economic Modelling (ECC3860) with instructor Simon Angus
Montreal AI Ethics Institute
Complex Systems Theory Learning Community with instructors Abhishek Gupta and Heather von Stackelberg
Moundridge School District USD 423
10-12th grade Physics & Chemistry with instructor Adam Robb
Munich Centre of Mathematical Philosophy
Agent-Based Modeling in Philosophy with instructor Conor Mayo-Wilson
National Autonomus University of Mexico
Introduction to Complexity with instructor Carlos Gershenson
Nankai University Business School (Tianjin, China)
System Modeling and Simulation with instructor Clark Wang (Qian Wang)
National Paralegal College
Ideas in Mathematics (MAT 201-1302) with instructor Yael Katz
National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy (Ukraine)
Modeling and Prognostication of Social Processes (Master's Program)
National Yang-Ming University (Taiwan)
Introduction to Biomedical Informatics (Topic: In silico Genomics) with instructor Hsuan-Cheng Huang
Natomas Charter School
Biology with instructor Nic Russo
Science 7 and Science 8 with instructor Lucy Coleman
Naval Postgraduate School
Modeling of Societies in Conflict (MV4657) with instructor Dr Steve Hall
New Mexico State University
Large Scale Systems Engineering (Industrial Engineering 537) with instructor Dennis Engi
New York University
Cloudcommuting: Rethinking P2P Urban Mobility Systems with instructor Dimitris Papanikolaouz
Politics in Modern Europe (at London campus) with instructors Michael Laver , Simon Hix (London School of Economics ), and Joshua A. Trucker
Nexus International School Malaysia
IB Diploma ITGS
Nijmegen Groenewoud Comprehensive School (Scholengemeenschap)
VWO Computer Informatics with instructor Piet Geelen
Niles West High School
PLTW course in Engineering Technology with instructors Ken Albert , Ben Brzezinski (Niles North) , Robb Barton (Niles North) and Brent Garner
North Carolina School of Science and Mathematics
Finite Mathematics (MA368) with instructor Cheryl Gann
Introductory to Complex Systems with instructor Maria Hernandez
North Carolina State University
Introduction to Agent-Based Modeling with instructor Bill Rand
Northeastern High School (Philadelphia)
Game & Interactive Media Design (part of AVID program) with instructor Starpower Ali
Northeastern Illinois University
Modeling and Simulations of Complex Systems (MATH 374) with instructor Anuj Mubayi
Mathematical Modeling of Complex Systems (MATH 374) with instructor Joseph Hibdon, Jr.
Simulation Modeling and Analysis (MATH 472) with instructor Nabil Kahouadji
Mathematical Modeling (MATH 474) with instructor Joseph Hibdon, Jr.
Northern Arizona University
Geographic Thought and Method (GSP 681) with instructor Jessica Barnes
Northern Illinois University
Environmental Biology (BIOS 106) with instructor Carl von Ende
Northern Kentucky University
Applied Mathematical Models (MAT 375) with instructor Gail Mackin
Northwest High School (Opelousas, Louisiana)
PLTW AP Computer Science Principles with instructor David Reed
Northwestern University
Center for Talent Development (Saturday Enrichment Program) with TJ Leone
Designing and Constructing Models with Multi-Agent Languages with instructor Uri Wilensky
Design of Technological Tools for Thinking and Learning with instructor Uri Wilensky
Earth: A Habitable Planet (CIV ENV 201/ENVR SCI 201) with instructor Patricia Beddows
Introduction to Complex Networks (ESAM 395) with instructor Dirk Brockmann
Modeling Organizations with instructors Spiro Maroulis and Rick Orlina
Marketing Mix with instructor Prof. Martin Block
Reach for the Stars (high school and middle school program) with instructors Vicky Kalogera , Michelle Paulsen , Kemi Jona , Laura Trouille , Megan Morscher , Darren Gergle , and Daryl Haggard
Social Network Analysis with instructor Noshir Contractor
Social Sciences and Methods (MMSS 311-2) (MMSS Program) with instructor Jason Seawright
Intro to Astrophysics (AWE CTD course)
Machine Learning (EECS 349) with instructor Douglas Downey
Web Analytics (Predict 352) with instructor Thomas Miller
Ogallala High School
Biology I & II with instructor Byron Korf
Ohio State University
Topics in GIS (Geography 5224) with instructor Harvey Miller
Spatial Simulation and Modeling in GIS (GEOG 5226) with instructor Harvey Miller
Introduction to Agent-Based Modeling Using NetLogo with instructor Virginia Nivar
Spatial Simulation and Modeling (GEOGR 5221) with instructor Harvey Miller
Biological Sciences: Form, Function, Diversity, and Ecology (Biology 1114)with instructor Calinger-Yoak
Behavioral Ecology (EEOB 3420) with instructor Ian Hamilton
Old Dominion University
Agent-Based Modeling & Simulation for International Studies (IS 795/895) with instructor David C. Earnest
Complexity in Engineering Management (ENMA 751) with instructor Nima Shahriari
Modeling Global Events (MSIM 772/872) with instructors John Sokolowski and Catherine Banks
Modeling and Simulation in Life Sciences (BIOL 772/872) with instructors Holly Gaff and Erika Frydenlund
Cyber Systems Engineering (ENMA 670) with instructors Adrian V. Gheorghe , Mamadou D. Seck ., and C. Ariel Pinto
Olivet Nazarene University
Computing Foundations for Scientists with instructor Kevin Brewer
Online Courses - open courseware resources in:
Computer Science
Web Design
Information Technology
Criminal Justice
Ontario High School
PLTW AP Computer Science Principles with instructor Ryan Roulston
Open University of Sri Lanka
Artificial Intelligence Techniques (ECI6265) with instructor KGHUW Rathnayake
Oregon State University
Computational Economics (AREC 627) with instructor Yong Chen
Geographic Information Systems and Science (Geo 565) with instructor Jim Graham
Scientific Methods for Analyzing Natural Resource Problems (NR 325) with instructor Christopher J. Still
Orem High School
General Biology with instructor Todd Mower
Otto-Friedrich Universität Bamberg
Modeling of social and economic processes with instructor Johannes Marx and Kai Fischbach
Ozark High School
PLTW Computer Science and Software Engineering with instructor Kevin Clevinger
Ozona Elementary
5th grade science with instructor Kristina Read
Pacifica High School
Biology with instructor Jared Penland
Palm Springs Community Middle School
6th grade Advanced Science (IQWST curriculum) with instructor Britni Rayman
Parkland High School
PLTW course in Computer Science and Software Engineering (CSE)
Patterson Lakes Primary School
Collaboration with an ICT scientist from CSIRO with instructor Helene Bearup
Paxton Buckley Loda High School
Industrial Technology with instructor Ed Nieman
Peking University
World Economic History (02533490) with instructor Lemin Wu
Penn High School
PLTW course in Computer Science and Software Engineering with instructor Rodrigo Anadon
Peñasco Elementary School
Project GUTS with instructor Aaron Mitchell
Penn State University
Modeling in Medicine and Biology (Math/Bio 497A) with instructor Tim Reluga
Intelligent Agents and Distributed Decision Making (IST 555) with instructor Carl Cotner
Intro to MIS research (SCIS505) with instructor Akhil Kumar
Intelligent Agents and Distributed Decision Making (IST 555) with instructor Carl Cotner
Penobscot East Resource Center
CAS projects with Marine Sciences Dept. at University of Maine at Orono
Pepperdine University (School of Public Policy)
Seminar in Economic Policies: Criminal Justice (MPP 627) with instructor Angela Hawken
Philip. O. Berry Academy of Technology
Project Lead The Way (PLTW) sponsored Computer Science Principles (CSP) course with instructor Dr. Eddy R. Malave
Phoenixville Area High School
Physics (AP and Honors) with instructor Gerard Jennings
Pierre et Marie Curie University, Paris, France
Introduction aux Agents Cognitifs et Autonomes (Introduction to Cognitive and Autonomous Agents)(IAA) with Professor Jean-Daniel Kant
Politecnico di Torino (Italy)
with instructors Alberto De Marco, Carlo Rafele, and Giovanni Zenezini
Polytechnic University of Catalonia
Mathematics for Video Game Design with Professor Ryan Seelbach
Physics I for Video Game Design with Professor Ryan Seelbach
Physics II for Video Game Design with Professor Ryan Seelbach
Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
Sistemas innovativos de diseño sismo-resistente (ICE3753) with instructor Juan Carlos de la Llera
Pope John Paul II High School (Hendersonville, Tennessee)
Advanced Biology course (Energy in the Environment Ecology unit) with instructors Jennifer Dye and Shara Bellamy
Portland State University
Exploring Complexity in Science and Technology (CS 346U/SySc 346U) with instructor Wayne Wakeland
Agent Based Simulation Graduate Course with instructor Melanie Mitchell
Agent Based Simulation course (SYSC 525) with instructor Wayne Wakeland
Intro to Complexity (Fall, 2016) with instructor Melanie Mitchell
Systems Thinking for Business (SySc 510STB) with instructor Richard Jolly
SYSC 332U: Introduction to Agent Based Modeling with instructor Garry Sotnik
SYSC 525/625: Agent Based Simulation with instructor Wayne Wakeland
SYSC 431/531: Data Mining with Information Theory with instructor Martin Zwick
SYSC 452/552: Game Theory with instructor Wayne Wakeland
SYSC 410/510: Environmental Systems Modeling & Simulation with instructor Wayne Wakeland
SYSC: Modeling Social-Ecological Systems with instructor Gary Sotnik
Prairie View Elementary (Mead School District No. 54, Spokane, WA)
5th Grade Science (Landforms unit) with instructor Craig Griffith
Presbyterian College
Environmental Sciences program with director John C. Inman
Princeton University
Integrative Dynamics of Animal Behavior (EEB 323) with instructor Iain Couzin
Social Networks (Soc 204) with instructor Matthew J. Salganik
Project Lead the Way (STEM Curriculum Provider for Middle-High Schools)
Computer Science and Software Engineering
Providence College
Environmental Biology (BIO 121-3) with instructor Barbara K. Sullivan-Watts
Purdue University
System-of-Systems Modeling & Analysis (AAE 560) with instructor Daniel DeLaurentis
It's a Complex World: Addressing Global Challenges (HONR 399) with instructors Dr. Thomas Mustillo, Dr. Ananth Grama, Dr. Eric Nauman, and Dr. Abhi Deshmukh
Introduction to Human Evolution (ANTHRO 204) with instructor Michele Buzon
Perspectives on Systems (SYS5000) with instructor Joaquin Goni Cortes
Quest Charter High School
PLTW Computer Science and Software Engineering with instructor Todd Durham
Ridgewood High School
Chemistry and Physics with instructor Patrick Sweeney
Radford University
Business Strategy Dynamics with instructor Iain Clelland
Rijksuniversiteit Groningen
Decision Making in a Complex and Uncertain World with instructor Andreas Flache
Introduction to Sociology (Inleiding Sociology)) with instructor Andreas Flache
Social Facts and Behavior (UC_LAS2_C2) with instructor Andreas Flache
Self-organisation, Cognition and Social Systems with instructor Charlotte Hemelrijk
Advanced Self-organisation of Social Systems with instructor Charlotte Hemelrijk
Rose Park Christian School
5th grade science with instructor Ellen Jacobs
Rungsted Gymnasium, Denmark
High School Biotechnology and Chemistry, Level A (university level) with instructor Mikkel Jønsson
Ryerson University
A Short Course in NetLogo with instructor Catherine Beauchemin
Sage Creek High School
Biology 1-B with instructor Courtney Goode
San Diego State University
Python for Social Scientists (Linguistics 572) with instructor Jean Mark Gawron
San Jose State University
EcoComputing with instructor Jon Pearce
Introduction to Computers (CS 040) with instructors Fain Butt instructors Kathleen O'Brien
Santa Fe Institute
Exploring Complexity in Science and Technology (Short Course) with program director Melanie Mitchell
Introduction to Agent Based Modelling with instructor Bill Rand
Introduction to Complexity with Professor Melanie Mitchell
Fundamentals of NetLogo with instructor Bill Rand
New Mexico Computer Science For All K-12 outreach program with SFI regional coordinator Maureen Psaila-Dombrowski
Computer Science for All (UNM CS-108L) , dual credit with Santa Fe High Scool & Community College, with instructors Brian Smith, Maureen Psaila-Dombrowski, and Irene Lee
Scuola Superiore di Catania (Catania, Italy)
Systems Thinking with instructor Francesco Gonella
Second Annual French Complex Systems Summer School
Complex Systems Made Simple: A Hands-on Exploration of Agent-Based Modeling with instructor Rene Doursat
Seoul National University
Evolutionary Biology for Majors with instructors Chongwook Park and Jablonski Piotr
Simpson College
Environmental Issues (Biol 103) with instructor Lynn McCartney
Skidmore College
Evolutionary Economics (EC 336) with instructor Sandra Goff
Skema Business School (Sophia Antipolis, France)
General Ecology (BAC.EAINA.OTBIO.2530) with instructor Christophe Mocquet
Skyline High School
Biology with instructor Elliot Quinton
Smackover High School
PLTW course in AP Computer Science Principles with instructor Tami Philyaw
South Dakota School of Mines & Technology
Sustainable Engineering (CEE 425/525) with instructor Jennifer L. Benning
Southern Methodist University
Paradise Lost? The Archaeology and Ethics of Human Impacts on the Environment (ANTH 3384) with instructor Christopher I. Roos
Southern Illinois University at Carbondale
Agent-Based Systems with instructor Henry Hexmoor
Southern Middle School (Maryland)
Life Science with instructor Matthew Klapper
Southwest Jiaotong University
Performance-Based Egress Design with instructor Jian Ma
St. Croix Lutheran
Computer Science Principles 0597 (PLTW) with instructor David Tess
Stellenbosch University (South Africa)
Capita Selecta: Agent-Based Modelling / Capita Selecta: Agent-Based Simulation (12723-771) with instructor Linke Potgieter
St. Francis of Assisi Catholic School
7th-8th Grade Science with instructor Rebecca Mierendorf
Stanford University
Beyond Bits and Atoms: New Technologies for Creative Learning (EDUC 236X-CS 402) with instructor Paulo Blikstein
Complex Systems Lab (BIO 131) with instructors Marcus Feldman , Oana Carja , and Mark D. Longo
Introduction to Research in Ecology (BIO47) with instructor Daria Hekmat-Scafe
Mathematics of Complexity (BIO 131) with instructors Diamantais Sellis, Oana Carja, Joel Thompson, and Mark D. Longo
Social and Information Network Analysis (CS224W) with instructor Lada Adamic
Stanton College Prep
IB Biology I & II with instructor Betancourt
Stevens Institute of Technology
Decision and Risk Analysis (SYS 660)
ME 345: Modeling and Simulation with instructor Frank Fisher
Simulation and Modeling (SYS 611) with instructor Robert Edson
Stockton University
Agent-Based Modeling (CPLS 5420) with instructor Clifton Baldwin
St. Croix Lutheran High School
PTLW: Computer Science and Software Engineering (CSE) with instructor David Tess
Stuyvesant High School
Introduction to Computer Science 1
AP Computer Science
Suffolk University
Ants, Rumors and Gridlocks (CMPSC-F107-AE) with instructor Dmitry Zinoviev
Sumner High School
Physics, 9th Grade Lab Science, & Molecular Biology with instructor Kyle Spane
SUNY (State University of New York) Brockport
Scalable Games Design (CPS 105) with instructor Leigh Little
Computational Math, Science, and Technology (CMST) Tools (NAS 401/501) with instructor Leigh Little
SUNY (State University of New York) Buffalo
Spatial Simulation Seminar (GEO503) with instructor Andrew Crooks
SUNY (State University of New York) New Paltz
SED543 Science in the Secondary School with instructor Rosemary Millham
SUNY (State University of New York) Old Westbury
Methods and Materials of Teaching Science (ED 6082) with instructor Fernando Espinoza
Literacy and Technology in Teaching Science (ED 6092) with instructor Fernando Espinoza
Sutherland Middle School (Albemarle County Public Schools)
8th Grade Physical Science with instructor Beth Evans
Susquehanna University
Multi-agent Modeling in the Natural and Social Sciences (CSCI 200) with instructor Jeffrey A. Graham
Supelec Institute
SI-16: Introduction to Multi-Agent Systems with instructor Nicolas Sabouret
Sweet Briar College
Biomathematics (BIOL/MATH 320) with instructor Raina Robeva
Mathematical Modeling (MATH 342) with instructor Raina Robeva
TC Williams High School
Biology for ELL Students with instructor Tamara G. Molina
Taos High School
Computer Science/ Programming 3 with instructor Tracy Galligan
Technical University of Denmark (Danmarks Tekniske Universitet)
Aquatic Science and Technology with instructor Brian MacKenzie
Technical University of Hamburg-Harburg (Technische Universität Hamburg-Harburg)
Projektseminar Simulationen im Controlling und Rechnungswesen with instructor Matthias Meyer
Technische Universität Berlin
Biodiversity Dynamics I and II with instructors Stephanie Kramer-Schadt and Tobias Kürschner
Technische Universiteit Eindhoven
Process management in Urban planning and development (7C510) with instructors Qi Han and Joran Jessurun
Tecnological de Monterrey
Regional Economics with instructor Victor Aramburu Cano
Texas A&M University
Design and Analysis of Algorithms (CPSC 411) with instructor Jennifer Welch
Texas State University
Geocomputation (GEO 7364) with instructor Tzee-kiu Edwin Chow
Texas Tech University
Computational Physics (PHYS 4301/5322) with instructor Igor Volobouev
Complex Networks and Network Mining (CS 5331) with instructor Mahshid R. Naeini
Tor Vergata University (Rome)
Fundamental Ecology and Statistics and Data Analysis with instructor Michele Scardi
Tracy High School
Computer Modeling in Geometry with instructor Richard Newton
International Baccalaureate program (Advanced Chemistry IB SL. Physics IB SL, Advanced Biology 2 IB HL) with project coordinator/instructor Dean Reese
Triopa Grade School
Computer Modeling in Geometry 5th and 6th Grade Science with instructor Kelly Johnson
Truman State University
Bio-Inspired AI (CS 484) with instructor Alan Garvey
Tucker High School
IB Biology with instructor Melissa Smith
AP Biology with instructor Melissa Smith
Tulane University
Multiagent Modeling (COLQ 201) with instructor Harry Howard
Tulare Union High School
Biology & Physical/Earth Science with instructor Renee Morrison
United States Military Acacdemy (West Point)
Mathematical Modeling with instructor Frank Watternberg
Verification, Validation, and Accreditation of Army Models and Simulations (M&S)
United States Naval Academy
Six Sources of Collapse (SM473) with instructor Will Traves
Universidad Andina del Cusco
Neuroscience with instructors Grace Pardo and Enver Oruro
Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
Sustainability evaluations in rural and urban environments with instructors Carlos Gonzalez Esquivel and Marta Astier
Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
Modelización de sistemas biológicos with instructor Angel Merchán Pérez
University College Dublin
Social Models and Simulations (SOC40640) with instructor Dr Pablo Lucas
University of Adelaide
Grand Challenges in Computer Science with instructor Brad Alexander
Modeling and Analysis of Complex Systems (COMPSCI 7408) with instructor Claudia Szabo
University of Alabama, Huntsfield
Agent-based Computational Economics (ECN 499) with instructor Allen W. White
University of Alabama, Huntsville
Survey of Modeling and Simulation (MOD 501) with instructor Gregory Reed
University of Alaska, Anchorage
Introduction to Complexity (CPLX/BIOL A200-052) with instructor David Wooten
University of Alaska, Fairbanks
Interdisciplinary Modeling of High Latitude Global Change (BIOL 676) with instructor A. David McGuire
University of Arizona, The
Complex sytems and networks (ECOL496H/596H) with instructor Anna Dornhaus
Agent Based Simulation (ECE 408) with instructor Dr. Miklos Szilagyi
Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona
Computational Intelligence in Archaeology
Estudi de casos de biologia ambiental (Case Studies in Environmental Ecology) with instructor Bernat Claramunt i López
University of Auckland
ENVSCI 704: Modelling of Environmental and Social Systems with instructors David O'Sullivan and George Perry
University of Augsburg, Germany
Self-Organizing, Adaptive Systems with instructor Alexander Schiendorfer
Self-Organizing, Embedded Systems with instructor Wolfgang Reif, Oliver Kosak, and Alexander Schiendorfer
Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, Azcapotzalco (Mexico)
Agentes Inteligentes y Sistemas Multiagentes with instructor Leonardo Garrido
Social Systems Models (PhD Seminar) with instructor Felipe Lara-Rosano
Universitat de Barcelona
Distributed Artificial Intelligence with instructor Maite Lopez Sanchez
University of Bath
Intelligent Control & Cognitive Systems (CM30229 & CM50230) with instructor Joanna J. Bryson
University of Belgrade
Individual Differences (Psychology)
University of Birmingham
Masters Class: Introduction to agent-based modeling in social sciences and biosciences with instructors Dietmar Heinke and Jan-Ulrich Kreft
Agent-based modelling using MATLAB (module) with instructor Shan He
Università di Bologna
Complex Systems with instructor Ozalp Babaoglu
University of British Columbia
Dynamic Modelling of Human-Environment Systems (BIOL444/EESC444/BIOL544/ ENVI544) with instructor Lael Parrott
Biological Diversity and Forest Management (FRST495)
Dynamic Modelling of Human-Environment Systems (EESC 444 or BIO 444) with instructor Dr. Lael Parrott
Universidad de Buenos Aires
Taller de redes, juegos y territorios with instructor Mario Kiektik
University of Calgary (Canada)
Emergent Computing (CPSC565) with instructor Christian Jacob
University of California, Berkeley
Modeling-Based Methodology for Design, Learning, and Research; and Learning Chance: Computer-Supported Inquiry into Probability
Knowing and Learning in Mathematics and Science (EDUC 130) with instructor Dor Abrahamson
University of California, Davis
Advanced Modeling of Political Behavior: Modeling Complex Adaptive Systems (Political Science 282) with instructor Kyle Joyce
Complex Systems (CMN 282) with instructor Martin Hilbert
Computational Social Science (CMN 150V) with instructor Martin Hilbert
Computational Social Science Capstone Project with instructor Martin Hilbert
Computer Simulations (Coursera) with instructor Martin Hilbert
Ecology and Agriculture (ECL 290) with instructor Neal Williams
Introduction to Sustainable Agriculture (PLS 15) with instructor Neal Williams
Technology in the Classroom (EDU 180)
University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA)
Computers in Education with instructor Noel Enyedy
Social Networking (Comm 132) with instructor Peter John Lumberton
University of California, Merced
Computational Biology for Biology Educators (workshop) with instructors Alaena Alilin, Ananth Kalyanaraman, Jeff Krause, Jo-Anne Rodriguez, and Masa Watanabe
Agent-Based Modeling (COGS 122) with instructor Paul Smaldino
University of California, Riverside
Introductory Evolution and Ecology (BIOL 005C) with instructor Joseph G. Morse
University of California, Santa Barbara (UCSB)
Literature+ Cross-Disciplinary Models of Literary Interpretation (Graduate Course) with instructor Alan Liu
Introduction to Ecology (EEMB 120) with instructor Sally Holbrook
University of California, Santa Cruz (UCSC)
Computer Programming for the Arts (DANM 220) with instructor Ralph Abraham
Evolutionary Game Theory (CMPS272) with instructor Manfred Warmuth
University of California, San Diego (UCSD)
Distributed Cognition (COGS 102A) with instructor Edwin Hutchins
University of California, Santa Fe
Complex Dynamical Systems (Ross Institute) with instructor Ralph Abraham
Université Catholique de Louvain
Epidemiology (WESP2121) with instructor Speybroeck Niko
University of Central Florida
Advanced Agent-Based Modeling (ESI 6535) with instructor Ivan Garibay
Complex Adaptive Systems (CAP6675) with instructor Ivan Garibay
Complex Adaptive Systems (CAP 6675) with instructor Annie Wu
University of Chicago
Mathematical Modeling for Pre-Med Students (BIOS 20172) with instructor Esmael Haddadian
University College of London
Modelling of spatial diffusion and dispersal processes in social science (Summer School Seminar) with instructor Luke Premo
University of Colorado, Boulder
Computational World (CSCI 1240-001) with instructor Michael Eisenberg
University of Costa Rica
Computational Paradigms(CI-1441) with instructor Alvari de la Ossa
University of Delaware
Introduction to Systems Biology with instructor Prasad Dhurjati
Math460/CHEG667 with instructors Prasad Dhurjati , Pak-Wing Fok , and Abhyudai Sing
University of Denver
Interactive Art and Design (EDPX 3320/4320) with instructor Timothy Weaver
Systems Thinking for the Social Scientist (INTS 4575) with instructor Dale Rothman
University of Duisburg-Essen (Germany)
Cognitive Psychology: Planning and Problem Solving (Masters program) with instructor David Tobinski
University of Essex
3P Agent-Based Models with instructor Darren Schreiber
University of Exeter (United Kingdom)
Evolution of Social and Organizational Behaviour (ABH3210) with instructor Joah Madden
Advanced Topics in Math: Complex Systems (MAT590) with instructor Panama Geer
Universidade Federal do Rio di Janeiro
Modelagem computacional baseada em agentes (agent based modeling) utilizando o NETLOGO e sua possibilidades educacionais with instructor Fábio Ferrentini Sampaio
Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul
Inteligência Artificial Avançada (INF 5004) with instructor Ana Lúcia C. Bazzan
Universidad Francisco Marroquín
Taller de Ingeniería II: Juegos probabilistas y Simulación de Colas (SI105) with instructors Tuncho Granados and Carlos Pérez
University of Gent
CSI-ABM Summer School: Agent-Based Modeling in Economics with instructor Aaron Bramson
University of Georgia
Methods for Science Teaching (EMAT 4460) with instructor Georgia Hodges
Modeling Infectious Diseases (EPID/ECOL/IDIS 8515, an advanced graduate course)
Technology for Science Teaching (ESCI 4480) with instructor Daniel Capps
Computer Simulations of Infectious Diseases with instructor Andreas Handal
University of Granada, Spain
"Redes y Sistemas Complejos" (Complex Networks and Systems) with instructor Oscar Cordón Garcia
University of Groningen, the Netherlands
Decision Making in a Complex and Uncertain World with instructor Lex Hoogduin
University of Haifa
Learning about Complex Systems with instructor Sharona Levy
Reasoning and Learning with Computer-Based Models with instructor Sharona Levy
Universität Hamburg
Modelle der Mensch-Umwelt-Interaktion with instructor Jürgen Scheffran and P. Michael Link
University of Hartford
Complexity Economics with instructor Jane Horvath
University of Havana
Mathematical modeling of biological systems with instructor Dennis Denis
University of Hawaii, Hilo
Maui Akamai Summer Internship Program with instructor John Coney
University of Hawaii, Manoa
NREM 691 Special Topics summer course.
Universität Heidelberg
Agentenmodelle in der Physio- und Humangeographie with instructor Julian Hagenauer
University High School, Fresno
Chemistry with instructor Brenda Royce
University of Houston
Systems Thinking (FUTR6333) with instructor Peter Bishop
University of Huelva (Spain)
Intelligent Agents with instructor Miguel Angel Rodriguez Roman
University of Kentucky
BIO 325 Ecology course (Honor section) with instructor Philip Crowley
Universität zu Köln
Terrestial Ecology with instructor Michael Bonkowski
Künstliche Intelligenz (Artificial Intelligence) II with instructor Claes Neuefeind
University of Idaho
Introduction to Problem Solving and Programming (CS 112) with instructor Terence Soule
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Institute for STEM Literacy through Computational Simulation
Digital Humanities with instructor Jana Diesner
IB 535 CIT: Biology and Tech Innovation with instructor Marianne Alleyne
Integrative Biology 150 with instructor Benjamin Clegg
NRES 219: Principles of Ecosystem Management with instructor Anthony Yannarell
University of Illinois at Chicago
LRSC 512: Design of Learning Environments with instructors Josh Radinsky and Mike Stieff
UPP 463: Introduction to Complexity-Based Models with instructor Moira Zellner
Introduction to Data Science (CME594) with instructor Sybil Derrible
University of Iowa
Honors Seminar on International Politics (Protest and Coercion) (POLI:4500) with instructor Kelly M. Kadera
University of Kent (UK)
Biology Project (BI600) with instructor Peter Klappa
Ecology (BIO 325-001) with instructor Philip Crowley
University of Kentucky
Laboratory for Introductory Biology 1 with instructor Dr. Madhu Srinivasan
Universidad de Los Andes
Applications and Evolutionary Theory in Organizations/ Aplicaciones y Teoría Evolutiva en las Organizaciones with instructor Camilo Olaya
University of Macedonia (Greece)
Agent-Oriented Programming with instructor Ilias Sakellariou
University of Maine
Modeling Sustainability (ECO 581) with instructor Tim Waring
Universität Mannheim (Germany)
Agent Based Modeling with instructor Gianluca Manzo
University of Maryland, Baltimore County (UMBC)
Computation, Complexity, and Emergence (HONR 300/CMSC 491) with instructor Marie des Jardins
University of Maryland, College Park
BSCI 126 - Pollinators in Crisis with instructor David Hawthorne
CMSC 289I - Rise of the Machines with instructor James Reggia
University of Massachusetts, Amherst
Advanced Systems Ecology (ECO 777) with instructor John T. Finn
Modeling Emergence: Computer Simulation as a Theory-Building Tool - An Institute for Social Science Research two-day summer workshop
MIE 290H - HIV, TB, and Malaria: Simulation Modeling with instructor Chaitra Gopalappa
University of Massachusetts-Boston
Research Methods II (PPOL-G 704) with instructor Michael Johnson
University of Massachusetts, Darmouth
Biotransport (BNG 312) with instructor Paul Calvert
University of Mauritius
AI Principles with instructor Nitish Chooramun
University of Melbourne
Computational Modelling and Simulation (COMP90083) with instructor Nic Geard
Modelling Complex Software Systems (SWEN40004) with instructor Timothy Miller
University of Michigan
Agent-Based Modeling (CMPLXSYS 270) with instructor Patrick Grim
(ENVIRON 317) with instructor Johannes Foufopoulos
Applied Ecosystem Modeling (EAS 545) with instructor William Currie
Complex Systems Models in the Social Sciences with instructors Daniel Katz and Kyle Joyce as part of ICPSR
Model Thinking with instructor Scott E Page
Political Modeling (PoliSci 891) with instructor Scott E Page
PUBPOL 250: Social Systems, Energy, and Public Policy with instructor Irving Salmeen
Social Network Analysis with instructor Lada Adamic
Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolás de Hidalgo
Matemáticas para describir el cambio (XXI Encuentro de Profesores de Matemáticas de nivel medio superior) (wokshop of undergraduate-mathematics professors)
Università di Milano Bicocca
Teoria dei Sistemi (System Theory) with instructor Alberto Dennunzio
University of Minerva at KGI
Empirical Analysis(NS50)
University of Minnesota
ANTH 3002: Sex, Evolution, and Behavior: Examining Human Evolutionary Biology with instructor Michael Wilson
Spatial Analysis and Modeling: Focus on Agent-Based Modeling with instructor Steven Manson
PSTL 1525V First-Year Inquiry: Multidisciplinary Ways of Knowing with instructor Susan K. Staats
Seminar Spatiotemporal Modeling and Simulation (GEGO 8294) with instructor Dr. Somayeh Dodge
University of Mississippi
Organisation of Programming Languages (CSCI 450) with instructor Cynthia B. Zickos
University of Missouri
Behavioral Biology (BIO_SC 4640) with instructors Carl Gerhardt , Reginald Cocroft , and Jeremy Gibson
University of Montana
Numerical Computing Space: The final frontier (MATH 495) with instructor Jesse Johnson
University of Munich
Simulation Modelling module ("Human Geography & Sustainability" master's programme ) with instructors Christopher Watts and Claudia Binder
University of Munster
Environmental Modelling with instructor Dr. Tiago Carneiro
Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
Agroecology with instructor Carlos Gonzalez Esquivel
Computación Adaptiva with instructor Carlos Gershenson
Introducción a Modelos de Autómata Celular con NetLogo with instructors Marcos Valdivia López and Nelly Linares Sánchez
Universidad Nacional de Colombia
Sistemas complejos with instructor Jaime Alberto Guzmán Luna
Modelos y simulación with instructor Luis Gerardo Astaiza Amado
University of Newcastle (Australia)
Information Technology Applications (INFT3940) with instructor William Chivers
University of New Mexico
Biology 2-4/204L Evolution and Ecology with instructor Kenneth Whitney
Fuzzy Logic with Engineering Applications (CE 548) with instructor Timothy Ross
Learning and Teaching Computer Science for All: A Teacher Professional Development class with instructors Joel Castellanos , David Ackley , Ed Angel , and Irene Lee
Topics in Interdisciplinary Biology and Biological Science (TiBBs) with instructor Kenneth Letendre
University of New South Wales
Modelling in Mathematical Biology with instructor Graeme Pettet
University of North Alabama
GE 684 Spatial Modeling and Analysis with instructor Sunny Sim
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Agent-Based Modeling with instructor Mirsad Hadzikadic
Agent-Based Modeling of Social-Ecological Systems (ANTH 490) with instructor Colin Thor West
New Institutional Politics (Policy 716) with instructor John Scott
Galapagos (GEO269) with instructor Steve Walsh
University of North Carolina at Charlotte
Complex Adaptive Systems (ITIS 6500) with instructor Mirsad Hadzikadic
University of Northern Iowa
Modern Tools for Exploring Data (CS 1025) with instuctor Mark Jacobson
Programming Environments for Elementary Education (CS 1150) with instuctor Philip East
University of Notre Dame
Mathematical and Computational Modeling in Biology and Physics (MATH 40730) with instructor Mark Alber
University of Oldenburg (Universität Oldenburg)
Introduction to the Methods of Empirical Social Research with instructor Markus Tepe
University of Oregon
Graduate Seminar in Landscape Dynamics (GEOGRAPHY 607) with instructor Daniel Gavin
University of Oslo
PhD Course in Agent-based Modeling with instructor Robert Axtell
University of Otago
Neurobiology (ZOOL314) with instructor Mike Paulin
Sports Technology Course (PHSE 329) with instructor Chris Button
University of Oxford
Animal Behavior (014P534BIV) with instructor Claire Kelly
Managing Complexity: Markets, Networks, and Innovations with instructor Felix Reed-Tsochas
Digital Social Research: Statistics Core with instructor Jonathan Bright
University of Oxford Department of Continuing Education
Animal Behavior with instructor Thomas Hesselberg
University of Pennsylvania
COMM 459: Social Networks and the Spread of Behavior with instructor Damon Centola, Ph.D.
CPLN 675: Land Use and Environmetal Modeling with instructor John Landis.
Network Dynamics of Social Behavior (Coursera) with instructor Damon Centola
Universitè Grenoble Alpes (France)
Complex Systems with instructor Julie Dugdale
Universitè Pierre Mendes (France)
Complex Systems with instructor Julie Dugdale
Computational Cognitive Modeling with instructors Julie Dugdale and Benoît Lemaire
University of Pittsburgh's Graduate School of Public Health
BCHS 2990: Social Dynamics in Public Health with instructor Supriya Kumar, PhD, MPH
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (Spain)
Modelització i Simulació de Sistemes Biològics (MSSB 390338) with instructor Clara Prats Soler
Universitatea Politehnica din Timisoara (Romania)
Nanomaterials modeling with instructor Medeleanu Mihai
Universidad Politécnica de Valencia
Sistemas Inteligentes with instructor Vicent J. Botti
University of Potsdam (Germany)
Introduction to Ecological Modelling (in NetLogo) with instructor Dr. Dirk Lohmann
University of Philippines
Environmental Modelling (EnE 305) with instructor Dr. Vena Pearl Bongolan
University of Pittsburgh
Cellular & Systems Modeling (MSCBIO/CMPBIO 2040) (joint course with Carnegie Mellon University) with instructors James Faeder and Christopher Langmead
Fate and Transport in Environmental Engineering (CEE 1522) with instructor Carla Ng
Problem Solving in Public Health (PUBHLT 2016 Capstone) with instructor Candace Kammerer
University of Portland
Math Modeling in Biology (MTH 391) with instructor Hannah L. Callender
Universidade do Porto
Multi-Agent Systems and Simulation of Organizations with instructor Pedro Campos
Sapienza - Università di Roma
Web e Interface Design e Comunicazione Multimediale with instructor Valerio Eletti
Universidade de São Paulo
Modelagem com Multiagentes de Sistemas Complexos (ACH0051 ED) with instructor Camilo Rodrigues Neto
Organization and Flow of Genetic Information in Complex Systems (at Institute of Biomedical Sciences with instructor Joaquim A. Machado
Simulação de Sistemas Complexos I (SCX5002) with instructor Camilo Rodrigues Neto
Universidad de Sevilla
Intelligent Systems with instructor Joaquin Borrego Díaz
NetLogo: Una herramienta para el desarrollo de modelos (online course) with instructors Fernando Sancho Caparrini and Juan Carlos García Vázquez
Universidad de Tecnologica de Pereria
Artificial Intelligence (IS784) with instructor Jacqueline Fernandez Pelaez
Universidad El Bosque, Bogota
Applied Mathematics with instructor Pedro Guilermo Feijoo Garcia
Universidade Federal do Rio Grande (FURG)
Introduction to NetLogo courses with professor Diana Adamatti
University of California, Riverside
Introductory Ecology and Evolution Laboratory (Biology 5C) with instructor Joseph Morse
University of Electric Science and Technology of China
Introduction to Service Science with instructor Tang Yong
Universidade de Santa Cruz do Sul (UNISC)
Advanced Artificial Intelligence with instuctor Dr. Rejane Frozza
University of South Alabama
System Thinking (SE 610/611) with instructor Kari Lippert
Systems Fundamentals (SE 601) with instructor Kari Lippert
University of South California
Spatial Analysis (SSCI 583) with instructor Elisabeth Sedano
University of South Carolina
Multiagent Systems (CSCE 782) with instructor José M. Vidal
University of South Florida
Social Complexity (SYA 4930) with instructor John Skvoretz
University of Southern Denmark
Agents, Actions and Norms; Logic and Social Analysis; and Artificial Agents and Multi-Agent Systems with instructor Rocio Chongtay
University of Strasbourg
Evolutionary Modeling with instructor Murat Yildizoglu
Training course on NetLogo, for Masters in Economics of Innovation students, with instructor Murat Yildizoglu
University of Stirling
Essential Skills for the Information Age (CSC9B1) with instructors Carron Shankland and Savi Maharaj
Modelling for Complex Systems (CSC9YM) with instructors Savi Maharaj and Andrea Bracciali
University of Sydney
Complexity: Agent Based Modelling (OLEO2313-OLET2314) with instructor Mikhail Prokopenko
The Business School and specifically Intensive Course on Agent-Based Modelling and Simulation for Business and Marketing with instructor David Earnest
University of Tennessee at Knoxville
Biologically-Inspired Computation (COSC 420/527) with instructor Bruce MacLennan
EEB 461- Special Topics in Organismal Biology with instructor Heather Bird Jackson
University of Texas at Austin
Climate: Past, Present, Future (GEO 302C) with instructor Dr. Tim Shanahan
Research Methods (PHY 341, BIO 337, AND CH 368) with instructors Denise Ekberg , Michael Marder , and Pawan Kumar
Systemic Reform In Math and Science Education (EDC 390) with instructor Walter Stroup
Topics in Conservation Biology (BIO 386) with instructor Sahotra Sarka
University of Texas at Dallas
Multiagent Simulation In Social And Policy Analysis (PPOEC 7381) with instructor Murray Leaf
University of Texas at El Paso
Geocomputation (GEOL 5324) with instructor Deana Pennington
University of Texas at San Antonio
Intro to Programming (CS 1063) with instructor Matthew Berland
University of Texas at Tyler
Computer Science and Software Engineering professional development training with Project Lead the Way (PLTW)
University of Tokyo
Introduction to Systems Thinking and Approaches with instructor Masaru Yarime
Systems, Dynamics, and Sustainability with instructor Masaru Yarime
University of Toliara, Madagascar
Service-Learning: Project Management Seminar with instructor Dustin Eirdosh
University of Trás-os-Montes (Portugal)
Environmental Engineering with instructor Mário Santos
University of Turin (Italy)
Informatica e simulazione per l'economia with instructor Pietro Terna
University of Utah
Psychology 2015 “Skepticism and Scientific Thinking: Defense Against the Pseudosciences with instructor Robert G Kent de Grey
University of Vermont
EC230: The Economy as a Complex System with instructor Bill Gibson
Complexity, Climate Change and Human Systems (HCOL 185E) with instructor Brian Beckage
Math 195: Intro to Complex Systems with instructor Catherine Bliss
University of the Virgin Islands
Science 200 with instructor Michele Peterson
University of Virginia
BME 4550 (Special Topics in Biomedical Engineering): Systems Bioengineering Modelling and Experimentation with instructors Timothy Allen , Jeffrey Saucerman , Jason Papin , and Shayn Peirce
University of Warwick
Nonlinearity, Chaos, Complexity with instructor Sandra Chapman
University of Waterloo
Cooperative and Adaptive Algorithms (ECE 457A) with instructor Otman Adam Al-Basir
University of Washington
Health of Networks (COM 597B) with instructor Kenneth Rufo
Discovery Seminar with instructor Payman Arabshahi
Summer course (EE 579PMP: Introduction to Social and Economic Networks) with instructor Vikram Jandhyala
University of Washington, Bothell
Educational Software (CSS 290) with instructor Baba Kofi Weusijana
University of West England, Bristol
Introduction to Artificial Intelligence (UFCFD3-30-1) with instructor Jim Smith
Introduction to Artificial Intelligence for Robotics (UFCFE3-13-1) with instructor Jim Smith
University of Western Ontario
Animal Ecology (Bio 3435B) with instructor Yolanda Morbey
University of Windsor (Canada)
Artificial Intelligence Concepts (60-371) with instructor Ziad Kobti
Animal Communication (Bio 426) with instructor Dennis Higgs
Behavioral Neurobiology with instructor Dr. Dennis Higgs
University of Wisconsin-Madison
Animal Population Dynamics (F&W ECOL 655) with instructor Timothy Van Deelen
Epidemiology of Infectious Diseases (Pop Health 801), part of a School of Medicine and Public Health guest lecture series
The Land Ethic Reclaimed: Perceptive Hunting, Aldo Leopold, and Conservation (Coursera) with instructors Janet Silbernagel , Paul Robbins , and Tim Van Deelen
Population Problems (Sociology 170) with instructor Jenna Nobles
CEE 416 Water Resources Systems Analysis with instructor Paul Block
University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg
Mathematical Modelling 3 (APPM3017) with instructor Dario Fanucchi
University of York
Non-Standard Computation (NSTC) with instructor Susan Stepney
Unmanned Vehicle University
with instructor John A. Sauter
Utah State University
Introduction to Human-Environmental Modeling (ENVS 4950-002 and ENVS 6900-001) with instructor Jacopo Baggio
Utrecht University
Models of Technological Change (GEO3-2264) with instructor Floortje Alkemade
Master's Program in Artificial Intelligence
Valleyview High School
8th grade science with instructor Carole Andreazza
Valparaiso University
CS 330 Simulation and Modeling with instructors James Caristi
Vassar College
Advanced Research Methods: Social Network Analysis (PSYC 386)
Villa Maria High School (Canada)
Senior-Level Science and Technology with instructor Andre Cholmsky
Villanova University
Philosophy 8710-001: Collective Intentionality with instructor Georg Theiner
Philosophy 8710-004: Group Agency with instructor Georg Theiner
Philosophy 4610: Philosophy of Mind with instructor Georg Theiner
Virginia Commonwealth University
Introduction to Mathematical Biology (MATH 380) with instructor Laura Fix
Virginia Tech
Biogeography (4044) with instructor Lynn Resler
CHE_5984 SS: Agent Based Modeling in Engingeering
Wageningen University
Agent-Based Modelling of Complex Adaptive Systems (INF-50806) with instructors Gert Jan Hofstede , Sjoukje A. Osinga , and Mark R. Kramer
Circular Economy (BMO-26806) with instructor Gert Jan Hofstede
Agent-Based Modelling of Complex Adaptive Systems (INF-50806) with instructor Gert Jan Hofstede
Modelling & Simulation of Complex Socio-Technical Systems (INF-51806) with instructor Gert Jan Hofstede
Spatial Modeling and Statistics (GRS 30306) with instructors Sytze de Bruin , Gerard Heuvelink , and Arend Ligtenberg
Systems Approach in Animal Sciences (APS 20806) with instructors E. de Olde, C. E. van Middelaar, E. A. M. Bokkers, I. Boumans, & R. Ripoll Bosch
Wake Forest School of Medicine
Informal training for graduate students with instructor Paul Laurienti
Wake Forest University MBA
MGT 5155A: Topics in Business Analytics with instructor Jonathan P. Pinder
Wando High School
Computer Science and Software Engineering with instructor Todd Schuff
Waseda University
Dynamics on biological systems with instructor Atsuko Takamatsu
Introduction to Computer Systems with instructors Hidenori Nakazato
Washington State University Vancouver
Modeling the Environment (ES 330) with instructor Robert Mackay
Washington University in St. Louis
Agent Based Modeling with instructor Ross Hammond
Introduction to Complexity Science with instructors Thomas Mitchell and J. J. Burke
Washington and Lee University
Dynamics of Biological Systems (BIOL 282) with instructor Natalia Toporikova
Western Carolina University
Introduction to Scientific Computing (CS 340) with instructor Erin McNelis
Western Michigan University
ENVS 2150 - Environmental Systems and Cycles with instructors Carla Koretsky and Johnson Haas
MATH 5540 - Alegebra for the Elementary/Middle School Teachers
Western Sierra Collegiate Academy
7th Grade Science with instructors Keri Lee Smith and Lynette Chappell
Western Washington University
Intermediate Web Development Management (MIS 324) with instructor J. Christopher Sandvig
Westfield State University
Research Methods in Biology (BIOL 300) with instructor Buzz Hoagland
Human Biology Online (BIOL 104) with instructor Buzz Hoagland
Weston High School
Applied Discrete Mathematics Concepts with instructor James McLaughlin
West Morris Central High School
Computer Science (IB) with instructor Art Herzog
Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania
Advanced Decision Systems: Agents, Games, and Evolution/Evolutionary Computation (OIDD319) with instructor Steve Kimbrough
Wilde Lake High School
Biology 1 with instructor Susheela Varma
AP Biology with instructor Susheela Varma
Williams College
Introduction to Cognitive Science (COGS 222) with instructor Joseph Cruz
Williamsville High School
Biology 1 & 2 and Life Science with instructor Patty Lorton
Windemere Ranch Middle School
6th Grade Science with instructor Cynthia Sevin
Winthrop University
Introductory to Discrete Mathematics (MATH 150H) with instructor Kristen Abernathy
Advanced Mathematical Problem Solving (MATH 303) with instructor Zachary Abernathy
Wisconsin Virtual School
Computer Science Principles with instructor Barry Ludvic
W.J. Keenan High School
PLTW Computer Science and Engineering with instructor Kirstin Bullington
Wofford College
COSC/MATH 201: Modeling and Simulation for the Sciences with instructor Angela B. Shiflet
Woodbridge Senior High School
PLTW Software Engineering with instructor Carlos Castro
Worchester Polytechnic Institute
Simulation in Biology (BCB 3010/BB 3010) with instructor Elizabeth F. Ryder
Xavier University of Louisiana
Fundamentals of Biology (Biology 1210) with instructors Mack Crayton , Shubha Ireland , Harris McFerrin , Kristal Huggins , Anup Kundu , Syed Muniruzzaman , Harish Ratnayaka , and Cecily Bennett
Yorkville High School
Biology Honors 1B (304AS-3) with instructor Julie Renda
Zhejiang University, China
Evolutionary game theory and experiment (011Z0020) with instructor Zhijian Wang