

layout-circle is a primitive that moves a set of turtles into an evenly spaced circle of a given radius. For example:

create-turtles 100 [
    set shape "person"
layout-circle turtles 10

Things to keep in mind when using layout-circle:

The model example below demonstrates how layout-circle works. It has two setup buttons: one to create an empty model and another to create a model with 10 houses at random places. When the go button is clicked, we create a new house at each tick if there are less than 10 houses (i.e. if we used the setup-empty button). Then, we use layout-turtle to organize our neighborhood. This model also includes a variable radius and increments it at each tick to show how layout-turtle works for different radius values.


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What's next?

Once you mastered the layout-circle primitive, don't stop there. Check out the resources below to improve your NetLogo skills.

Published NetLogo models that use the layout-circle primitive:
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