

random is a primitive that allows us to add randomness into our models. When we provide a number to random, it will report a random number from 0 to N-1. Imagine that each time you run the primitive random N, you are rolling a die with N number of sides. For example, if we wanted to create a forest fire in which we assigned each patch to be either a tree (pcolor = green) or ground (pcolor = brown) but with 70 percent tree density, we would write the following code:

ask patches [
    ifelse random 100 < 70 [
        set pcolor green
        set pcolor brown

Things to keep in mind when using random:

In the model example below, we have 6 turtles that represent the 6 faces of a dice. Every time we click the roll dice button, each turtle picks a random number between 1 to 6 (including 6) and updates its shape accordingly.

Why do we need to add 1 to value we give to random to get the full range of values? In math and computer science language, we would say that the random primitive produces numbers in the range 0 to N exclusive, meaning that the number N itself is excluded from the possible set of values. In order to make it inclusive for N we have tell random to set the exclusive limit at N + 1, which gets N back in the range of possible results.


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Published NetLogo models that use the random primitive:
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