
package nvm

  1. Alphabetic
  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. final class Activation extends api.Activation
  2. case class AnonymousCommand(procedure: LiftedLambda, formals: Array[Let], arguments: LambdaArgs, binding: Binding, locals: Array[AnyRef], source: String) extends AnonymousProcedure with api.AnonymousCommand with Product with Serializable
  3. sealed trait AnonymousProcedure extends AnyRef
  4. case class AnonymousReporter(body: Reporter, formals: Array[Let], arguments: LambdaArgs, binding: Binding, locals: Array[AnyRef], source: String) extends AnonymousProcedure with api.AnonymousReporter with Product with Serializable
  5. class Argument extends api.Argument

    Passes arguments to extension primitives.

  6. class ArgumentTypeException extends RuntimePrimitiveException
  7. trait AssemblerAssistant extends AnyRef
  8. trait AuxiliaryCompilerInterface extends AnyRef
  9. class Binding extends AnyRef
  10. abstract class Command extends Instruction
  11. case class CompilerFlags(foldConstants: Boolean = true, useGenerator: Boolean = Version.useGenerator, useOptimizer: Boolean = Version.useOptimizer, optimizations: OptimizationList = Optimizations.empty) extends Product with Serializable
  12. trait CompilerInterface extends AnyRef
  13. case class CompilerResults(procedures: Seq[Procedure], program: Program) extends Product with Serializable
  14. trait CompilerScoping extends Scoping

    CompilerScoping lets the compiler know that the block at the specified index should have enterScope/exitScope placed around its statements.

  15. class ConcurrentJob extends Job
  16. final class Context extends api.Context
  17. trait CustomAssembled extends AnyRef
  18. trait CustomGenerated extends AnyRef
  19. class DefaultCompilerServices extends CompilerServices
  20. trait EditorWorkspace extends AnyRef
  21. abstract class EngineException extends LogoException
  22. class ExclusiveJob extends Job
  23. class ExtensionContext extends api.Context

    workspace and nvmContext are public vals, even though that violates the org.nlogo.api abstraction, so extensions can go around that if they must.

    workspace and nvmContext are public vals, even though that violates the org.nlogo.api abstraction, so extensions can go around that if they must. As the extensions API improves, this should become less often necessary.

  24. trait ExtensionManager extends api.ExtensionManager
  25. trait FileManager extends AnyRef
  26. trait GeneratorInterface extends AnyRef
  27. class HaltException extends LogoException with HaltSignal
  28. class ImportHandler extends LiteralImportHandler
  29. abstract class Instruction extends InstructionJ with TokenHolder
  30. abstract class InstructionJ extends AnyRef
  31. abstract class Job extends AnyRef
  32. trait JobManagerInterface extends AnyRef
  33. trait JobManagerOwner extends AnyRef
  34. trait LabInterface extends AnyRef
  35. case class LambdaArgs(argumentNames: Seq[String], argumentSyntax: Seq[Int]) extends Product with Serializable
  36. case class LetBinding(let: Let, value: AnyRef) extends Product with Serializable
  37. final class LiftedLambda extends Procedure
  38. case class MutableDouble(value: Double) extends Product with Serializable
  39. case class MutableInteger(value: Int) extends Product with Serializable
  40. case class MutableLong(value: Long) extends Product with Serializable
  41. class NetLogoStackOverflow extends EngineException
  42. class NonLocalExit extends RuntimeException
  43. trait PresentationCompilerInterface extends CompilerInterface with AuxiliaryCompilerInterface
  44. class Procedure extends ProcedureJ with FrontEndProcedure
  45. trait Referencer extends Command
  46. trait ReferencerReporter extends Reporter
  47. abstract class Reporter extends Instruction
  48. class RuntimePrimitiveException extends EngineException with StackTraceBuilt
  49. trait Scoping extends AnyRef

    Scoping lets the compiler know that this primitive introduces scope so that it can choose how to handle let-variables introduced in it.

  50. trait SelfScoping extends Scoping

    SelfScoping indicates the primitive introduces scope as part of its operation.

  51. trait StackTraceBuilt extends AnyRef
  52. abstract class Thunk[+T] extends AnyRef
  53. abstract class Tracer extends AnyRef
  54. trait Workspace extends api.Workspace with JobManagerOwner
  55. class WrappedExtensionException extends EngineException with StackTraceBuilt
  56. class WrappedLogoException extends EngineException with StackTraceBuilt

Value Members

  1. object AnonymousProcedure
  2. object ArgumentTypeException extends Serializable
  3. object Binding
  4. object EngineException extends Serializable
  5. object Instruction
  6. object LabInterface
  7. object LambdaArgs extends Serializable
  8. object LambdaArgsHandler
  9. object Optimizations
  10. object Procedure
  11. object StackTraceBuilder

    A stack trace is displayed to the user when an error occurs in running code.

    A stack trace is displayed to the user when an error occurs in running code. Example:

    division by zero error while observer running / called by plot 'plot 1' setup code called by RESET-TICKS called by procedure SETUP called by Command Center

    Entries in stack traces can come from different places.

    In the example, - "/" is the individual primitive in which the error occurred - "plot 'plot 1' setup code" is an anonymous procedure in a plot - "RESET-TICKS" is not a procedure, but a command that can trigger the execution of procedures (see also tick, setup-plots, update-plots) - "SETUP" is an ordinary procedure - "Command Center" is the display name of the dummy top level procedure wrapped around the user's code.
