

color is a built-in turtle characteristic that represents the color of each turtle in a NetLogo model. Every time we create new turtles, each one is assigned a random color. We can use the set primitive and the color primitive together to change a turtle's color as follows: set color red.

ask turtles [
    ifelse size > 2 [
        set color red
        set color green

color is also a reporter; we can use it to access the color of a turtle as follows:

ask turtles with [color = red][
    set size 5

Things to keep in mind when using color:

In the model example below, we have a white sheep and some plants. We use the color primitive to make some of the plants green and some yellow. We use the ask turtles with [color = white] to just ask the sheep to move, while the plants remain stationary. Our sheep moves around randomly. When there is a yellow plant on the same patch, our sheep just ignores it. However, if there is a green plant on the same patch, our sheep eats the green plant.


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What's next?

Once you mastered the color primitive, don't stop there. Check out the resources below to improve your NetLogo skills.

Published NetLogo models that use the color primitive:
Similar primitives:

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